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Hey everyone, just a quick update.

Just letting everyone know that 'Requited Change' Chapter 7.5 shall be out Sunday and shall be 25 pages long with easily over 100 individual images/ panels. 

A 20gb update for Koikatsu (which took 10 hours Monday and a few hours Tuesday) has set me back a little, I'm currently working on the last 10 pages of Ken's dream sequence/ TF!

I know I told you all that it shall be out this weekend anyway, but I like to get the updates out on a Friday so...

To make it up to you all I shall take another TF/TG sequence suggestion! Post them as a comment and I shall pick one to get done for next week. If you want to see the character more buxom or androgynous or fully male-to-female as well just let me know!

Have a good weekend guys and gals, I shall speak to you all Sunday!



Kyon to bunny Mikuru! If you don't do it, I will!