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Hello everyone,

Just a quick poll to ask you all if you're happy with the mode I'm delivering my comics to you.

At the moment I am uploading my comics via Mega, requiring you all to download them, but it has come to my attention that this may be hindering people from seeing my content on mobile phones/ other handheld devices. 

So the question is; do you all want me to begin uploading the images with the posts in the future? I could do them as PDF downloads as well for ease of access or do them so that the images, PDF and Mega files are available. 

I shall be doing the TF Sequences as I have been, as it is only one image, but would love to hear your views on the problem above. Speaking of which; I am taking another suggestion for a TF sequence, post any two characters you want to see TF in the comments below and I shall choose a suggestion to create.

So my wonderful Patrons, here are the questions:



The real issue I have with the mega uploads is that sometimes, when I download them on my phone, the order of the images gets messed up. Doesn't seem to happen on desktop though? Is suspect it might have something to do with the order the images are created/edited in. But a pdf or adding the images to the post would fix that for me!


Almost always if there's only a download I'll end up downloading and deleting it multiple times, 'cause I like a clean desktop and lots of file space.


I'll get on it then, I'll spend the weekend doing a comprehensive upload of my work in several posts and formats so people can have clear access to it minus the pages being messed up.


Ha, I'd like to say I'm the same, but I haven't had a good clean-up of my PC since the last game update, it's still littered with files like 'kitsune adult 1', 'Kitsune Child A' etc. I should really get on it.


Second choice for me! For a Tf sequence, maybe fem Kirito? Love your works especially "requited change" ;)


Thanks Noctyx, it means a lot hearing that. Kirito turning female from Sword Art Online? I'll give it a go. Requited Change shall be with us again on the 9th and then the 16th. ;)

Ex Caseus Fortis

It would be nice to have an individual link for only the new pages so we don't have to download the entire series every update.


That's definitely doable, I can link the individual Chapters/ updates.