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Hello everyone,

I have a sad announcement to make, today I have decided to take a break from making 'The Last of the Kitsune'.

This is not an easy decision I have come to, not at all

There are a couple of reasons for my decision, but the primary one is this; I am putting far too much work into this project for the pay that I am receiving. In the country where I am based a 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Monday to Friday job would net you roughly $1800 per month. At the rate I have been working on the game I have been, at times, working 8 to 12 hour days on average AND giving up nearly every weekend since the beginning of the project (which is over a year now) and I am at my wits end only earning roughly $500 from the game alone. If I was earning the money to justify the hours that I'm putting in I would have no scruples at all continuing on, but I'm not. The constant hours with little pay is also making me a short-tempered monster, I don't want to become that monster so I'm ripping the Band-Aid off.

So what does this mean for 'TLotK'?

I am taking a break, how long this is I do not know. I have an idea for a much quicker paced TF Game that I want to create with the new RPG Maker MZ, but I don't have the time to experiment with the new engine AND working on 'TLotK', a concept of this may be out soon. I'm thinking of a souls-like game where you have to dig for the plot with a central 'hub' that you explore out from.

Wait, I'm a 'Regal Kitsune', what about my 'Suggestion'?! 

Your suggestion can still be used in the new game if you so wish, I haven't completely ruled out the return of 'TLotK' anyway, I'm just having a break from it. I shall be removing the benefits of this tier soon as well, existing 'Regal Kitsunes' don't have to worry, but future ones won't be able to give 'Suggestions'.

For those of you waiting on the end of the month update; it isn't coming. I'm too burned out on this project now, I'm sorry. To make it up to everyone I shall be releasing the next update for the game free both here and on TFGames where it all began.

What about the comics?

The comics shall be continued, the production of these shall not be altered. Check every Monday for an update on what I'm currently working on.

And Finally...

Thank you all for your support over the past year, although I didn't quite hit minimum wage I thank all of you for every cent given to me. Stay tuned for the new TF Game and, as always, I shall talk to you all soon!



Tbh, you have been honest with us, your members, which is the main thing. Obviously there is always things people as a whole can do better, but it about doing the right thing that matters most, which you do with honesty and even be fair with it, so no need apologise and keep doing what you're doing


I try to keep you all in the loop as much as I can, even when struggling with things. I appreciate you all and by extension don't like to disappoint you.


Wishing you the bests also I kind of like the cliffhanger that you got in the last requite Change panel I really like how the story is going and that cliffhanger with what Ken Said. Anyway have a good rest and take as much time as you need I wont hurry you and I assume the rest of the community wont either we'll be here!


This is good news to hear regarding your mental health, but is unfortunate for all us that are supporters because of TLotK. Hopefully you recover and are back to working on the game eventually, and best of luck with your other endeavours in the meantime.


Thanks Hazzer, I know you're a fan of it. I don't like letting anyone down, but it has come to this point I'm afraid.


well hopefully that new project whenever you're going to be working on it will have less diverging path from TLotK as it must have been a nightmare to make sure that every path work properly depending on the MC TF stage and other choice made previously. Anyway i hope this break will help you relieve some of the mental stress you're having to make you come back stronger than ever and if TLotK get to the cutting board we'll still have the comic and potentially a more straight forward game that should be easier for you to handle...hopefully. Take care of yourself.

Nora Knox

A shame but health takes priority! Get well soon. Though, if you don't mind, could you upload a .txt file or something with the overall plot of the game was going to be or something for those of us that don't mind spoilers?


Maybe if I fully decide to drop the project. Thanks for the kind words,


Yeah, I think I reached a point where I needed a team to help me. Thanks for the kindness.


That is a bummer as I loved your project, but can certainly understand if the scope is just too large to be reasonable. Good luck on the next project. I look forward to seeing it.


Sad news it is, however health, both physical and mental (as they are closely tied with each other) takes priority over everything else. I will wait as I have waited for every update before. And even if the day when you drop the project comes, Your game and You will continue to shine like a gold, in my memories.


Sad news indeed, but as was said before health must remain the priority . Take the time you need, i just hope you will eventually return to TLotK as it was really what drew me in. Take care of yourself !


UuUuu :< .... First of all I became your patron because of your game , I wanted to support you. Then I saw your comicses and was exited about them) You took a heavy burden, it's expected that tiredness has come. I'm not blaming you, but worry about your health! I think you need someone who can help you in the small thing while you can take a little rest after work. I can't left you behind in such a time! I will stay reading comicses and waiting your next project! ^,.,^ Health is most preciouse we have , don't overdrive yourself. P.S maybe somethin like this make feel you little better : In my country average payday is about 300 USD. 600-800 and you can consider yourself as rich person) My friend working in sushi bar from 10 am till 12 pm and get around 28 dolars (2000₽) in a day. He have no weekends. When I will gratuade from medical institute my paychek would be around 400 USD :з


Thanks for this Flandre, it's not just earnings though, it's costs too. Rent alone before bills is roughly $740 per month where I live. Luckily me and my Dad are helping each other out, but we still have to watch how we spend!


This was sad news for me and for you, MassManic. But I understand where you stand, a person has to eat, live under a hoof, if it is not providing enoughfor you to sustain yourself, you shold stop and rethink what you are doing. That is why I try to support those creators that has content that interest me, because it is costly to me. The conversion rate from my country currency to dolar is 5 to 1, so while I pay 5 dolars per month, I am actually spending 25.


I appreciate it too Belgaesh, I wish I was living somewhere where the cost of living was even a shade cheaper, but unfortunately I don't. Trust me when I say this decision has caused me to get very emotional, but 'TLotK' just hasn't been paying the bills unfortunately.


I must admit, I'm... quite sad to hear this news, as TLotK is the main thing for me, far moreso than the comics, simply because it's premise is something I've wanted to see in a game for so long. Still, I do understand, and I know how hard burnout is as well as what kind of time sink making a game is. I hope the future sees better times, and someday we might see more. Until then, I wish you the best of luck with all projects you work on.


Thanks Joseph, and thanks for the support you've given. It may be back in the future, I just need some time away from it.

toni case

aaaawwww loved the game...its why i am here.but i understand fully the need for a break.