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Hello everyone,

Another weekly update letting you know what I'll be working on this week... 

.... with the announcement that TLotK is now over a year old! Happy Birthday to it and thanks to all of the supporters that have helped me nurture it to its first birthday! 

Even better, we reach our $900 stretch goal, thanks to everyone's generosity on this. If it wasn't for the donations I've received my humble dream of making a video game would have died a long time ago.


It seems as though the Manga-style comic has won out in the voting. I shall be doing another count later tonight to double-check but I'm sure that is it for the votes. This shall be started tomorrow and be out Saturday, I have to real life matters to attend to today.


TLotK: I shall be working on this a bit more now, hoping to get an update released for the end of the month. No promises though as there are a lot of things still to do, I may just release the patched Tomo/ Seiko dungeon with part of Michael's completed to give you all a little something until we get past the technical hell that is this part of the game.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and I shall talk to you all soon!