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Hello everyone!

Just posting an early update.

The next comic that I am creating skirts a little too close to Patreon's TOS, so I won't upload it here, but I shall be uploading it to e-hentai/ exhentai. 

Edit: I shall NOT post the link tomorrow when I upload it. It is concerning rape, the protagonist both doesn't and does want the sexing he/she receives but part of the TOS for Patreon states that if the website sees it as rape you get a ban so I'm not risking it. You shall have to find it yourselves on said websites under my handle. ;)

As far as TLotK goes the dungeon won't be completed but I am aiming for Seiko's and Tomo's areas to be done with Michael's being the finale.

I am hoping that you had a good weekend and I shall speak to you tomorrow!



that was a quick edit :'( guessing something came up. We shall wait patiently :D


But requited changes is still running?


Yeah, that is still going, it shall be updated again at the beginning of next month.


It shall be uploaded tomorrow, people shall just have to find it on e-hentai and ex-hentai. I cannot put a link up without breaching TOS.


So what the next update of TLoK will contain? And can we get any previews? Can't wait to try it out.


TLoK shall contain several tfs dependant on varying factors. I have finished the gypsy camp now, including testing. The scene for entering Okabe is done, as is the way you get to Lady Kame. The intro to the dungeons is done, including daughterly interactions and I am attempting to get Seiko's dungeon finished first and then Tomo's with Michael's being in a later update. The groundwork for all three are done, but yet again I've run out of time unfortunately.


fair enough. i think i know where to go. (saw a profile with your name that has posted first 3 chapter of requited change)