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Hello everyone,

I am updating everyone on what I have been working on since the comics.

Currently I am working on the next update of TLotK, I am finishing up a side-quest that shall have deep ramifications later on in the game depending on whether or not the player assists a certain person in the gypsy camp that you find yourself at before Okabe. 

I always try and aim for the end of the month for a game update being released, and I am 50/50 on whether this shall be done in a week's time so, for full clarity I shall say that the update shall be out next month as to not to get hopes up.

On a more personal note I am having to find work outside of the comic/ game production soon. I was hoping that I was hitting near enough to $1000 per month at this point, and  those who have been following production of the game know that I lost employment when COVID hit. Fortunately I had enough money tucked away to support myself and my father and through VERY stringent budgeting I have managed to make it last, but the pot is now getting low. This isn't to say that I'm ungrateful at all, quite the opposite, it's because of your generous support that I've been able to continue to this point, I thank you all.

What this means for TLotK and the comics? I shall still be working on them, but I need a far more stable income to support myself and my Dad. I have not found a job as of yet and I shall tell people when it happens, I have enough money for this next month but it shall be the month after when I shall likely be starting.

I hope your week is going well and I shall talk to you all soon!



Thoughts are with you - hopefully you find employment soon!