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Hello Foxes and above!

Here is Chapter 2.5 of 'Maid Different', the full chapter shall be with you at the end of the month (hopefully). Chapter 2 starts at page 70.


As for TLotK, I am going to be uploading v0.05 in parts, so it shall be something like v0.04D and then 0.04E before I classify the update as being 'fully' v0.05. This is just due to the MANY branching variables affecting story progression at the moment, which requires a lot of testing, seriously, it's taking like 8+ runs just to test a scene at the moment and it is burning me out BADLY, without mentioning the tweaking/ editing of said scenes.

Therefore, v0.04D shall roughly be 20-30 minutes and shall include:

- The 'Open Plains'.

- The 'Abandoned Gorge' (dungeon).

The 'Abandoned Gorge' shall have an optional boss, (technically) two unavoidable TFs, lore on a certain kitsune and a few hidden goodies. Since the last update I have actually put in the framework and general unpolished scenes for another dungeon that takes place within Michael which revolves a bit around Inari and M's daughters, but with just over a week left until the end of the month there is no realistic way that it shall be done.

So V0.04D shall be out next week, with v0.04E coming out next month.

I aim to get the next update finished next month, which shall get the players to the next dungeon.

Have a good weekend!


Rudy Keijnemans

Good to hear the release is soon. With the estimated play time we should be able to report bugs pretty soon if we find them. Dont burn yourself out stay healthy and thanks for the great game and comics.


Apologies for the high expectations, you have delivered so many times that it may come as common sense for us for you to do so. But I think most of us expect the quality to come with much enduring on your and our part or I speak for myself. But I'll speak for myself now, unavoidable tf's.. I trust your judgment, but as someone who wants to have a male playthrough.. I am a little on edge none the less (though it may be foolish). To give perspective from such as I. Also I intend to play a more to your envisioned 'patch', I wish to experience the fuller experience.. so I may skip the first patch and pick up the second. I'm so very excited by another update, but I have the will to await further for a more complete experience. Thank you, and I hope you'll understand my doing so.