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Hey everyone, I am still working out some issues with 0.04C. The majority has been thoroughly checked now and I found a few bugs myself. 

I have been mulling over how the game shall be developed going ahead and have decided that the 'warp system' shall likely be a permanent addition until the game is finished. 

This means that people wont have to replay any of V0.04 if you have already finished it, as v0.05's warp shall fix all issues with your save if you use it. (i.e All variables and values shall be set to what they should be depending on the route you have chosen). I think this is the best way to go about it as it stops players having to replay the content that they have already seen.

Now for what I have been working on... the game has had a major rebalance, as of now up to the beginning of v0.04s content. Bugs have been fixed and the enemies are tougher, but fair. I just need to finish the balancing of v0.04s content including the optional boss that I added. Certain enemies are throwaway ones that are meant to be dispatched with little effort, but I wish to nail this new plugin's parameters for enemies, so the game shall still be a challenge going ahead. If I can get the formula right then enemies shall scale with your level. 

Limit breaks have been nerfed into the ground, as has Seiko's 'Stunning Thrust' and the TP gained in battle. No longer shall you be able to constantly use special attacks indefinitely. Limit breaks should now be used as more of a 'utility' and not specifically for damage, like when you need that clutch damage/ status effect when things are not going well - not to annihilate bosses in one or two turns!

On the flip side Seiko's 'Jump' has been increased in strength to make it worthwhile to use but shall have a cooldown so you don't have a leaping kitsune avoiding damage constantly. 

Triple Attack actually hits three times now... How did I miss that?

Various MP/TP cost adjustments.

Bug Fixes and fixes and fixes....

No more excessive EXP gains but... Overkills now give an extra 5% EXP modifier when you utterly destroy an enemy. So you can still power-level, but it is more manageable to keep you all within a level threshold for certain parts of the game!

No more gold gains, unless from human enemies. (Which, oh boy, you shall be facing in the future!). This is a personal choice for me, I have always wondered why animalistic/ monster type enemies would randomly have gold or items on them for no reason. For example; 'moss-covered boars' can drop 'marshmallow roots' as it is implied that these are growing on them. Finding a 'gender-bend' potion or 'Excalibur' on a small mouse baffles me unless it is for puzzle completion or getting rid of a status effect that an enemy could have put on you. (Like a snake dropping an antidote).

If you are still discontent with the difficulty after v0.04C's release don't forget about the difficulty sliders in the menu!

Now onto the bad news/ awesome news. My friends have noticed how I have been throwing myself at the game lately and have decided to pretty much drag me from the game for a couple of days R&R just chilling out online as a birthday gift (knowing me I shall still tinker with the game). This means that anyone waiting for v0.04C shall have to wait a little longer until Friday. It was a nice surprise for me.

Thankyou for all of the birthday well-wishes and I hope you are all staying safe in these strange times, I shall speak to you all later in the week, hopefully with the illusive v0.04C update in tow!



Happy Birthday!


"enemies shall scale with your level" So if i understand this that means if someone will decide to use cheats or save editing to get more exp and using this crush every single enemy in early game then they are going to meet with suprise because enemies are scaling with him? Non-intended anti-cheat system? :D


And before i forget Happy Birthday! (even if i'm already late...)


Yes, although there shall be a limit to this. If a player is massively OP then the enemies shall have a tough time keeping up with them as I still need to set the core stats of them to some degree and players tend to scale up in strength far more than enemies do. When I started with RPG Maker I could remember a particular thread that spoke about what to do with cheating players and one developer said that they put a parallel process that checked players stats in certain areas of the game and gave a 'game over' after notifying them why they received it. Such as 'You are a Cheater and Shall be Treated as Such' - Game Over. I think this is a little harsh though. :)


I agree, it's bit harsh. In my case i often used save editing during second playthrough to speed up process of grind if it's present in game and i'm interested in story more than in fights. And while i can approve "zero tolerancy" policy for cheaters in online games, in single player games it makes no sense to me. If they want it they will always find some way to do it anyway because they WANT it and that's it. If they feel fun playing this way they will use cheasts. Sometimes putting a "It's impossible to win this fight" ending is stupid because of bad balance in game that (if player uses certain mechanics present in game) makes possible to kill those "Unkillable" enemies after more or less long fight.