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Any time that a new asset is needed for the game, an artist needs to design and draw it before a modeller can model it. Absolutely every model that you see in the game - from the characters' hair down to the accessories they wear - had to be illustrated from multiple angles before it could be created in 3D.

The process begins with sketching out potential designs, sometimes with just a pencil. The different designs are reviewed, and the "best" design is selected to be the one to move forward with. It might go through a few revisions before it is finalized. Once the design is final, high-quality digital illustrations are made of that design from multiple angles. Once that stage is complete, the final design is sent to a modeler who can create the asset in 3D.

I wanted all of Akademi's "student equipment" to share a consistent look, so I asked an artist to design all of the bags that students could carry - the kendo bags that delinquents wear, the bookbags that rivals carry, and all of the music bags that the light music club members can wear.

I was really happy with all of these designs; I feel that they all look super fashionable and modern! The above concept art tells the "story" of how these bags were designed. I hope you enjoy looking through it all!



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