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This is actually *potential* upcoming content - I'm not 100% sure whether or not it'll get into the game, but I'd like to show you the work that has been done so far.

For multiple reasons, I have been considering the possibility of adding a new mechanic to Yandere Simulator - the ability to push a cart. You might think, "Why would I want to be able to do that?" I'll provide you with two example scenarios:

1. Imagine using a laundry cart to transport corpses, so that you can relocate multiple dead bodies simultaneously without making extra trips, and do it all without looking suspicious.

2. Imagine a "sneak into school at night to retrieve the sleeping body of a tranquilized student sleeping inside of a flight case" stealth mission. It would only be possible if there was a "push a cart" mechanic in the game.

However, implementing a "pushing wheeled case" mechanic would be way different than implementing a "walking bipedal character" mechanic. The case would have to be programed to pivot from the point that it is being gripped, the act of rotating left/right could no longer be instantaneous, and the character who is controlling the cart would also need to be able to pull it backwards.

What I've just described are "tank controls"  - an entirely different control scheme than normal walking controls - and the game would need to be able to switch in and out of tank controls whenever grabbing the cart. Also, the cart would need to stop the character's movement when the cart is unable to move or rotate due to hitting a wall or a space that it can't fit into, and the character themself would need to become an "obstacle" that prevents the cart from moving backwards.

That's a lot of work! It would take a lot of time to get that working! So, I asked another programmer to help me out by creating the system for it. You can see his progress above! (The laundry cart model is temporary, and so are the animations.)

The video isn't super thrilling, but that's because the purpose of the footage is to demonstrate how the cart reacts when it's pushed up against a wall, when the person pulling it walks backwards into a wall, when the cart is rotated, when the player tries to shove it somewhere that it won't fit into, etc - that's the primary stuff that needs to be figured out before anything truly meaningful can be done with the feature.

As I said at the top of the blog post, this new feature isn't 100% guaranteed to make it into the game; I might implement it, and then find out that it causes huge problems. For example - what if the player "parks" a laundry cart in front of a doorway, trapping a student inside of a room? Should students be able to shove the laundry cart if it's in their way? What if two students get blocked by a cart simultaneously from opposite sides, and push it into one another as they're trying to get it out of their way? The obvious solution is "Make it impossible for students to collide with the laundry cart" which is the approach I'm currently using for the buckets and cello case. But, students clipping through a big laundry cart would look pretty janky...

Since it's not guaranteed to get into the game, it's a "maybe" feature" and not a "100% locked in" feature, but I wanted to show you the fact that, all the time, I am receiving help from people to assist me in the creation of things that might be good additions to the game.


Potential Upcoming Feature Preview



I was recently thinking about how useful a wagon would be in the game, so you could transport multiple things faster. So I hope this does get added eventually.


Wow! You dug deep and looked way back in the Patreon posts, haha. I had almost forgotten about this mechanic, actually. I'm really concerned that the player could use it to block doorways and permanently prevent NPCs from entering/exiting rooms...


I think you could set up the pushing cart as if it's a cart on rails, which the invisible rails are the pathways of the school. And I think the cart should be either easy or hard to move based on your current physical stat level like if you have the lowest physical level, the cart is harder to move, but as you keep on raising your physical level or join the Gaming Club to get a boost of physical power, the cart will become much easier to move.