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This video explains the basic rules that govern the operation of clubs in Yandere Simulator. How to join, how you get kicked out, how to avoid getting kicked out, etc.


Clubs in Yandere Simulator

Visit yanderedev.wordpress.com for more information about the game!



Happy New Year, Yandere Dev! : )


If I wasn't getting paid to work on Yandere Simulator, I'd have to go find a full-time job, and then I'd only have about 1 or 2 hours a day to even think about Yandere Simulator. The purpose of the Patreon isn't to make me rich or to finance the game; the purpose of the Patreon is to prevent me from getting a job to earn income.


Glad to see you're almost there! Sorry I'm only capable of donating 6 a month. I fully support this project and I'm very curious about the outcome.


Hey YandereDev, I find the concept of this game very interesting. I haven't followed it for very long (probably since August of 2015), but it amazes me how much progress you've made since then. I've been curious about one thing for awhile, though: who is the mysterious recipient of the photos taken on your phone? Are they another student at the school? Will we ever find out through the course of the finished game, or is this purposely left a mystery? Thanks, An SJW who accidentally clicked a playthrough of this game on youtube last summer


At the beginning of the game, Yandere-chan is contacted by a mysterious character named "Info-chan" who offers to help Yan-chan dispose of any girl who has been flirting with Senpai. Info-chan's motivations will not be readily apparent at the beginning of the game. Info-chan will also provide Yandere-chan with information about a student if Yandere-chan snaps a photo of that student's face and sends it to Info-chan.


I find it amazing that you live in Temecula because I do too <3


when you will finish making yandere simulator are you planning to make something else?


Yes! I have tons of game ideas, and I want to make them all become a reality.


Hey YandereDev, it occurs to me that these clubs as they stand are a little imbalanced - they offer big game-changing effects for a minor investment of just one hour of game time a week. As it stands there's no real downside to joining a club, so they should come with a few catches to make a decision to join one more strategic. Clubs are a significant part of the school society and joining them should reflect that - for instance, if you join the Occult Club you could expect to take a big Reputation penalty as you get associated with that bunch of weirdo losers. It's difficult to have a similar effect for every club though so perhaps a convenient way to show how clubs function in the pupil body is to make them 'cliquey' - each club has one or two other cubs that it's antagonistic towards. For instance, the Sports Club and the Computer Club hate each other (the age-old war of jocks and nerds), the Drama Club and the Occult Club hate each other (stop stealing our props for your creepy rituals/you hipsters wouldn't know paganism if the Horned God jammed his antlers up your noses), and so on. While you're a member of a certain club, you either cannot interact at all with members of the antagonistic club or have to do so with a heavy penalty. As the full game of Yandere Simulator will rely on avoiding trouble from other pupils the effect of this will be moderate (you're not setting the whole school against your) but visible and significant in the player's strategy. What do you think?


Hmm. I understand your concerns. The meaning of every club is, indeed, to trivialize one aspect of the game. Joining the Occult club can trivialize Sanity, joining the Art club can trivialize blood stains, joining the Light Music club can trivialize the act of disposing corpses. But that's sort of the point. That's intentional. The idea with clubs is to pick a buff and then build your strategy around it, at the cost of every other strategy you could have used if you'd picked a different buff; and the fact that you'll lose the buff forever if you try to trade it for another one. If the game approaches its final stages towards completion and play-testers complain that clubs are overpowered, I'll weaken them. As of now, it's something that isn't fully implemented yet, and shouldn't really be judged yet.


Hi, Yandere Dev. I was wondering, will the game be sold at local retail stores or will it be a free game that you just can simply download? Also, about characters... AzzMan from Youtube mentioned that you might implement new students such as yourself, delinquents. If so, will you implement students that refer to famous animes or anime games? Thanks. -Makayla Martin


I apologize... I meant AzzMan mentioned that you might implement new students such as your self, and delinquents.


Getting a game distributed in stores is a huge hassle, and very expensive. It seems pointless. I don't see any reason to do that. If possible, I would prefer to distribute Yandere Simulator via Steam. However, this is entirely dependent on whether or not Steam will sell a game with Yandere Simulator's content. (I'm pretty sure the above information is listed in the FAQ...please correct me if I'm wrong.) I plan to implement at least 100 students in Yandere Simulator's school. The students who have a purpose (such as club members who play important roles in gameplay, like the Martial Arts students and Photograph students) will take priority over any other type of student (cameo students, in-joke students, reference students). After I have implemented all students who serve a purpose, I will see how many "empty slots" are left over. It's possible that there will be zero "empty slots" left over, and it may be possible that I'll have to delete some of the existing students in order to make room for more important ones.


Hi YandereDev! I just want to say that I am an avid fan of the game, and I'd like to help in any way I can. Unfortunately, I'm not really that talented in art, or animation (as of now), and I have a bad quality mic, ruling out voice acting. (Plus, I have literally no money to become a patron) Is there any other way I could help? (I honestly stared at my screen for a flat half-hour deciding whether or not to post this.. I really hope I'm not wasting much of your time.. Keep up the awesome work though!) ~CJ


It makes me happy to hear that you wish you could help out! I'm grateful that you're willing to lend your time to me, but to be perfectly honest, I don't have very many needs right now. (The only thing I need more of...is more time!) Thanks for your generosity, but you don't have to try to help out at this point in time. Thanks for offering, though!


What about the idea of ​​a break from the development yandere simulator?


Hello Yandere Dev! I am a MASSIVE fan of this game, of your work, everything. This is my ideal game and i love seeing you post new updates about the development of Yandere Simulator. I would just like to say... I am a fan artist. Who draws things for fun. I am not good. But is it alright if i send one picture to you of my work, where i have put much effort into. Just to boost your mood on how much i love Yandere sim? Now, i am not saying to add this on the titles of your blog but just you. If not, thats all good! I will send it to you AFTER you finish the game, so you can focus on the game and get it done quicker. Hoping for a reply from my favorite developer.. Thanks and good luck! -Xuhi Edit: Fan artist. Again, i LOVE drawing but i'm not bragging it to be in the blog posts, just for you, as in, you can keep it in your "Work from fans" thingie. Hehe.


Aw, that was a very nice message! Yes, you're welcome to send me fan art if you'd like to! You're welcome to do so any time.


I've seen this anime called ''Watamote'' ; is Oka's hair based of the protagonist's hair.


Oka is partially base off of the protagonist from Watamote, but she is also based off of some other characters, as well.


Yandeeredev, You are so far creating the game of many peoples dreams and its amazing. Im wondering if in thefuture you will take name suggestions? I have plenty, but I would not like to wasteyour time or email suggesting useless things


Aw, thanks for your kind words! I'd rather not take any suggestions regarding character names / appearances, for this reason: <a href="https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/about-original-characters/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/about-original-characters/</a>


Hey YandereDev, I've been with Yandere Sim since (about) the middle of July and I've loved seeing all the prosses It's been through. I hope that you're able to make this game even better than the best it can be. I also apreciate that you're having to deall with the useless suggestion posts. -Thanks, Oosh.


I been with Yandere Sim as long as I can remember, and I wish I could help, but, im a bit to young to start workin' but ill help as soon as i get a job!


I can't wait for the released of this game. But I'm patiently waiting, and what It makes me become patient more is when I see you doing this project from the bottom of your heart! ♥♥


Hello) It's cool, really good idea and also its realization. I think, if ur project has some more languages, it will be more popular! And I can help u and translate it on Russian, if u r interested in it. My knowledge of English is enough to translate it :)


Thanks for offering to help translate the game! I would love to have your help, but to be perfectly honest with you, I'm not ready to ask anyone to translate the game yet. I don't think that anybody should try to translate the game until the game's English script is 100% final. At this point in time, I am constantly changing words in the game's English script. If you translate the game right now in its current state, your translation will quickly become outdated. I don't want to constantly update the game's translation, so that's why nobody should send me translations at this point in time. After the game's script is final, I will make a post on my blog (or the game's official website) and ask for translation assistance. Thanks for your time!


The little secret within the Ocult Club: is there a chance to become the power he is talking about or is this feature not ready ?


Hey yandereDev did you saw that Prettygrumbybear beat the game?


I want to see a popular girl in yandere game but I know that you don't want to make to many comments. I'm so sorry 😓😞😔


Hey I really want to make a game but it is really hard, do you have any tips??? :)


The only tips I can give you are very general tips... To develop your skills, create imitations of other video games. To achieve success, create something original that has never been created before. Start off with extremely simple projects, and slowly move up to larger and more ambitious projects over time. Do not launch projects that you don’t have the skill or resources to finish. Plan everything out very thoroughly, and be as well-organized as possible.


You should do a live stream and preview the history of Yandere simulator


Is there yandere simulator 2 ?


Dear YandereDev are u going to make a new male character? Who has a crush on yandere chan?


@Mang from what I've heard he doesn't answer any question or at least that what his website says also the 1st Yandere Simulator is still a debug build so there probably won't be a Yandere Sim 2 anytime soon.


@Mang oops I forgot to click the reply button just look at the comment below you