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For two weeks during October, I developed a Castlevania-themed minigame for Yandere Simulator. Because two weeks of my time were spent developing something that lasts about five minutes and doesn't have a lot of replay value, I would understand if you told me that this was a waste of my time and that I shouldn't have done it.

Because two weeks were spent not advancing the core gameplay of Yandere Simulator, do you feel that half of your Patreon pledge for October has gone to waste? Or, are you happy as long as I'm creating new content for Yandere Simulator, regardless of what that content is?

It's worth noting that I would love to include several other minigames similar to this one, and that I consider this to be part of bringing Yandere Simulator to 100% completion, so it's something that had to get done sooner or later. However, I still want to hear your opinion about me taking two weeks of time that you're paying me for, and using it to develop unnecessary "novelty content" like this minigame. Do you disapprove?

I also have a second question for you all:

I have several other game ideas that I would like to pitch. I would not begin development of those games until after Yandere Simulator was completed. However, I still want to develop prototypes for these games so that I can share them with the world and get feedback on my ideas.

If I spent two weeks developing a prototype for a brand new game that I'd like to pitch, would you feel as though I'm neglecting Yandere Simulator, and that your money is going to waste? As long as I am accepting support via Patreon, do you believe that I should be devoted 100% to Yandere Simulator and should not give any of my attention to any other projects, even if they are limited to pitches/prototypes?

Thank you very much for your time, and once again, thank you very much for your continued support!


Yanvania: Senpai of the Night

"Boss Approach" music and "Boss Battle" music by Darrell "Dibur" Reconose! http://soundcloud.com/diburmusic Title Screen music by Christopher Escalante, who also composed music for Seduce Me 2! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/michaelalaws/seduce-me-2-the-demon-war For more information, visit yanderedev.wordpress.com!



Side stuff like that is fun for me, and you've said that it's fun for you, too. I see nothing wrong with it. I appreciate your concern for your fans, but I trust you to make this to your vision, as well. And if you other pitches, I'd be interested in seeing that as well.


Yandere dev why did you add in the yanvainia game in the first place? not that it's a bad thing but why? p.s I'm your #1 fan

Neo Zeed

This was beautiful. Thank you.

Mina Jewel (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-03 17:27:24 OMFG!!!!! >:( >:/ i seriously hate that stupid Dracula-Girl she deserves it! SHE'S A Spoiled BRAT!!!!
2016-10-30 00:05:05 OMFG!!!!! >:( >:/ i seriously hate that stupid Dracula-Girl she deserves it! SHE'S A Spoiled BRAT!!!!

OMFG!!!!! >:( >:/ i seriously hate that stupid Dracula-Girl she deserves it! SHE'S A Spoiled BRAT!!!!


I am not opposed to either of these ideas in the slightest.


I don't mind it. Content is content, for the most part. Minigames might even have some kind of minor impact on the main game, like raising Yandere-chan's sanity or something. Of course, that's up to you to decide. And if you want to prototype other games while Yandere Sim is in development, isn't that just good business sense?


For the 1st question, I think that it adds a little bit of variation to the game. Extra things are not necessarily bad things unless they become the forefront of your development. It's always fun to have extra minigames and whatnot. I think you could perhaps always just add minigames after the game has been released through game updates whenever you get them done. For the second, I can understand where you're coming from but they'd have to stay as prototypes. Some people may like new game ideas, but for the most part they're paying for your current development and honestly, some might not even care in the slightest.


Bring it on! You should always do what your talents and inspirations tell you to do! This was a brilliant idea. I think all of us here on Patreon are not just supporting Yandere, but YOU as an artist. Thank you for your hard work!


I find it awesome that you build an actual Game in the Game so its not Waste of Time. I don't find my Pledge wasted, have trust in you that you know whats best for the Game. As for the other Game Ideos go for it :)


Just do whatever you want and forget those who bitches. They bitches whatever you do anyway!

Raina Shepherd

For the first question, as long as they're fun, I like the idea of minigames. Could add some variety to the game. For the second question, as long as they remain prototypes until this game is done, I'm fine with it. I am kinda interested to see what you have planned after this.


I think the mini-game idea is nice, not necessary but as I have said in the past, it is your game, senpai. Even Madotsuki had a NES in her room. I feel you should finish one thing before even attempting another, that's just me, before long you may lose sight of each game's direction and they may all just become a muddy repetitive mess.


I'm not opposed to the minigames at all. And if we end up with more of them in the finished game, that's fine. It's great, in fact. And, well, in my mind, my pledge (small as it is), is dedicated to help you make games, even if the one I'm really excited for is Yandere Sim. Prototypes are fine as well, as it gives us something to look forward to. I mean, as long as this game isn't cruelly abandoned I'm fine with whatever. It's your game, we're just eagerly awaiting developments.


Having mini games is not a bad idea and does help break the monotony. I have no personal objections on the subject since, ultimately, it adds more to Yandere Simulator. Making them could be a good use of your time if you're feeling like you hit a block for the main game. As for projects, feel free to pitch prototypes. Again, they could be a use for your time if you want to work, just not on YanSim. Either way, working on YanSim would be what many would prefer. We all have an inner yandere but it's just not safe for us to be public about it.


I'm only giving the minimal contribution lol but for what my opinion is worth, I think the minigames are only a good thing. As for development on the new projects, it should stay low key & second to YanSim to respect the contribution of the high-tier patrons.


I don't think working on mini-games is a waste at all. I think it's just going to make the game that much more fun. Whether it's mini-games or some other addition, I think it's completely worth it. Also, I think prototypes are just fine as well. I think sometimes artists get wiped out working on the same thing, so if you take a short break to work on something else and recharge, I say go for it! :D


I'm ok with everything that adds more content to the game so it's not a waste of time at all. Also, these minigames can be a good way of expanding the Yandere Simulator experience so keep doing that good work. We'll still supporting you.


I also think you should continue to add/prototype some more mini games. Best way to get direct feedback :-)


as a rule of thumb, when you work on a project, you better complete it before swithing to something else. The endgame is pretty much ALWAYS the first project endng up being abandonned. So, as a word of advice, don't start anything else until you've completed yanderesim. People who spread out on multiple projects end up loosing focus, and tragedy ensue. BUT, it doesn't stop you from taking notes, building in your mind, and planning stuff. the more you visualise a project, the more you know where it's going to go once you get at it.


As for the content in yandere, I find this ok, as long as the main focus is the main game. You want her to play ryona games, will this add anything to the core scenario? (missing school because of it, new skills? attention deficit?). If it is just to take your mind off the main project a bit, fine, but don't abuse. All in all, you're doing great work. I'm happy to support you.


YandereDev, Personally, I think it's perfectly fine for you to do whatever makes you happy. I would like you to be mostly focused on Yandere Simulator, since your development of this game is the main reason I'm donating. However, I do not think you should be expected to be completely 100% devoted to it. Like any other person, you do have other interests (and as you said, other game ideas) that you want to pursue. And that is perfectly fine. Just please also keep working on Yandere Simulator. Though, I do warn you that if you propose other game ideas and prototypes, I will probably end up sending you some more fanmail as punishment. Haha.

Eric Sammywaifu

Well, the main thing for me is that I want Yandere Simulator to be released ASAP(in due time of course so it's actually good) so personally, I would prefer you spend the majority of your time on it. A bit of time here and there on some other pet idea would be OK but I want to see steady progress being made on the project I am funding!


Actually, this is a significant improvement and changeup for me. I don't care if it makes YS take a bit longer to launch, since it's clearly so far from launch to begin with, and you make beta builds available so frequently. Take your time, work on side projects, do whatever.


I don't mind minigames. There should be a tangible but not overpowering main-game benefit from playing them though. If it happens to also count as a "vacation" for you, then more power to you! Win-win. Regarding how to earn your pay, I would say as long as you make steady progress on Yandere Sim, what you do on "your own time" is your business, including side projects. A full-time job doesn't own you 24/7.


I don't have a problem with minigames, especially if they're something you enjoy making! I figure there's nothing worse for a game's development than a developer who's lost interest with the game. That said, I don't necessarily have a problem with you working on concepts for other games, but be careful not to let those games distract you from your main project. As a writer, I know how many times I've "taken a break" with a new idea only to wind up abandoning my initial project entirely. But, only you know whether a side project is going to split your focus or help you keep from burning out on Yanderedev. Whatever you decide, good luck!


The dialog / text scroll from the mini game is awesome; I don't know how the mini game itself plays, but as long as it's not frustratingly hard (or if they *are* challenging, maybe a way to skip to the dialog) then I think they're welcome additions to add to Yandere-chan's world.


In answer to your questions: 1) Personally, I'd prefer that you focus in the main game, but i can understand that maybe this may be a little monotone. 2) As for new games, it's fine while not significantly delay the main project.


Pointless content is the kind of thing that gives a game real character. Go all out.

Sergio "Puntosmx" Montserrat

1) I'd like you to devote around 90-95% of dev time and effort to the main gameplay, because most of the playtime will be on that. Still, pursuing smaller stuff like the easter eggs and minigames allow for a change of gears so that you don't saturate with the main game. 2) In line with the above reply, we are mostly interested in seeing Yan-chan prancing around, covered in blood while Sempai surrenders to her love offerings. These side projects are a good way to get a break from the main gamedev efforts, but it risks shiwthing focus too much and finishing nothing. TL;DR: Go on but don't overdo it.


I think thats a cool idea, but I think it would be more fun if there was a reward for doing it, like maybe there are some students who have gaming as a hobby, and you can influence them more or something. Or you learn the new ways to kill from playing and winning in a video game >:)


I would want most of the time be used as yandere sumulator main stuff but... some mini game make the charmed too, even if they are quickly useless... You could create mini games where you can get scores (so people would play more often, increasing the gameplay time possible... Anyways... Short answer: I am not against mini game IF it doesn't take ALL your time. A little here and here (for special even, like for this one) is a great thing.

Emerald Rosa

As long as it doesn't slow down the progress of main game, I would love to see this type of content :D


I am completely okay with this sort of content, because you clearly stated it makes you happier when you can work on other little things like this. What will make me displeased as a supporter is anything that leads you to a nervous breakdown before the game is complete. I increased my pledge a bit, as well! I like knowing you're doing something you enjoy :)