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It's been a long time since my last progress report, and I feel like I need to explain the reasons for that. It has nothing to do with lost motivation or low productivity; quite the contrary! I've been super busy, but I ran into unexpected roadbumps with everything I tried to work on recently. Implementing a new inventory system, adding a save/load feature, upgrading to the latest version of Unity - each of these endeavors had unfortunate results, all for different reasons. These pursuits cost me most of my time in December, so I don't have an exciting new feature to present to you today. I think it's unacceptable to be empty-handed without an explanation, so this video goes over the details.

Also, please let me know if you're okay with it when I make videos that aren't directly related to development progress; for example, lore videos, music videos, and "Let's Examine" videos. Those are my favorite types of videos, but if those videos make you think, "He should have spent his time developing the game, instead!" then I genuinely want to hear about it.

Thanks again for your support!


Yandere Simulator January 2019 Progress Report

Vote on this poll to let me know if you're okay with the type of content I described towards the end of this video: http://poal.me/3ym84a To learn more about the game, visit https://yanderesimulator.com For development updates, visit https://yanderedev.wordpress.com For cool merch, visit https://crowdmade.com/yandere If you're concerned about drama, you should check out https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/2018/12/01/debunking-rumors-new-build/ Adorable "Confused YandereDev" artwork by Budokas! http://budokas.tumblr.com/


Mrs Emma JK

Happy New Year x I love your 'let's examine' videos and hearing about your inspirations and ideas for Yandere Simulator x Sorry you had so much on this December and wish you a fantastic 2019 😊


I always enjoy your videos. Regardless of their content.


I love the other videos! They are so cool!


I enjoy each and every video that you create and upload to youtube. as a developer I intensely enjoy learning more about game development via watching your videos but like any youtuber, even though your channel is solely committed to the development of yandere simulator, I am curious about your other creative pieces of work or even as mentioned in your video : more in depth on how you created yandere simulator, how you became the developer you are today and more about other games you have created over the course of time. I would even like seeing videos not involved with yandere simulator, you are a very creative person and I am sure any video you post would not only create more traffic for you, but introduce another side of you we are not prepared to see. either way, I want more of whatever you do and as always keep up the amazing progress , you have came so far and I enjoy every bit of what you do. happy 2019! <3

Markus S.

Vote: abstention Do whatever you feel like doing. I am fine with either ;)


To be honest, I really like those videos! But theres still a voice at the back of my head saying its unfortunate it's not a game-update... What I would love to see though would be a video about your inspiration from the 'mystery game'!


Youll get there. We believe in you.


"Let's Examine" and music videos are really fun to see!


Good work. Such is the nature of game development. Consider it valueble experience for all further work. Regarding the save/load it might be easier to have specific intervals, like when each class start/ends. Can always be expanded later. Limiting save capabilities might not be such a bad idea to prevent people from save scumming and ruining their own fun, tho that again could be tied to difficulty lvls, or selectable as an option during a new game creation. Best of luck and happy new year.


I am strongly of the belief that, despite running into figurative walls throughout December, it wasn't a wasted month. As you said, even discovering something doesn't work is a learning experience that will help going forward. Regarding videos, I'm torn. I told you I decided three and a half years ago that I would stay for the long haul. Even if part of me wants to tell you to put all your time into coding and what-have-you, that would be hypocritical of me since I'm a notoriously slow worker. Everyone doing something creative and/or technical for a long period of time needs a release valve, and if videos about the production process or gameplay or character insights -- which I'd find fascinating -- help you stay sane-ish, so be it. I enjoyed the Kokona videos and the Midori video. I just wonder if, since I've been following YanSim since April or May 2015, there's anything I don't already know. But that's something unique to me probably. Do whatever thou wilt.

Raymond Fürst

Happy New Year yanderedev! Thank you for this interesting progress video. You learned a lot by your research, and that is a value of its own. Keep up the good work. I do not mind seeing some videos about other yandere-sim-related work. This will also help you to remember and reenvision the goals you wanted to acchieve with this project. Oh, and videos do not need to be long, so if a new topic is not worth a long video, make a short one.

Lixouri Mraz

<a href="https://youtu.be/ZlobPsPWFhY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/ZlobPsPWFhY</a> All fans of Evangelion and Yandere simulator dedicated