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In January of this year, I realized that this video would eventually become necessary. I should have begun preparing it sooner, so I could have released it when I needed it the most. I wish this video had been ready back in June, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to complete it until today.

Across multiple videos, I've named several reasons why the game's development isn't proceeding as quickly as it did back in 2015 and 2016. "There is no more low-hanging fruit that can be implemented quickly." "I developed the game using a V-Slice mentality, which has had the long-term effect of making it difficult to edit or add things at this stage in development." Those statements are still true, but neither of them come anywhere close to being the primary factor that has been slowing down development; that's what this video is about.

Several years ago, I was targeted by a truly bizarre group of people on the Internet who have dedicated themselves to mischaracterizing me and smearing my reputation. The smear campaign entered the mainstream earlier this year, and has resulted in an overwhelming amount of harassment, as well as lost support. The situation has caused me to fear that I may never be able to repair my professional reputation, and caused me to doubt that I'll be able to have a career in video games.

I suppose it all depends on how many people in this world take drama and gossip seriously. If those people are a minority, I'll be fine. If those people are the majority, then...well, I'm pretty screwed.

It's simply impossible to be productive when you feel like you don't have a future. If the smear campaign and harassment get much worse, then I can't guarantee if I'll be able to continue developing the game. I feel that it's incredibly important to let my Patrons know about this, since it will probably directly impact your decision to continue supporting me or not.

The results of this poll will determine what I'll be spending my time doing in the near future: http://poal.me/71e1as

(If that site is down, this one might work: https://www.strawpoll.me/16826631 )

This poll not only serves as an indication of what the fans want, but also an indication of what type of people are in my audience. What % care about drama, and what % completely dismiss drama? This is probably the biggest deciding factor in me deciding whether or not I'm in a hopeless situation.

Thanks for your time, and I'm very sorry for this disappointing news.


Hate and Shame

After you've finished watching the video, please vote on this poll: http://poal.me/71e1as If that site is down, use this poll instead: https://www.strawpoll.me/16826631



( T_T) I’m so sorry yandere dev that you’re going through struggling time and have deal with other that doubt your work. You’re amazing person doing awesome project that have unique detail that I haven’t seen before kinda like the game is your lil child that you’re raising as your own! The most important part is that you’re human and as fan I felt like I should show support along listen your problem plus you’re not alone! I hope this shown my support but thank you and sorry!


I'd call those kind of people "bullies". That term might sound infantile to some, but to others, it hits exactly home. I've been reduced to tears by far less - and I'm not at all alone in that - and you're amazing for standing strong for as long as you have. I've taken inspiration in how you've handled things in the past - the calm and reasoned demeanor you maintain, and the clarity of your explanations. So don't doubt yourself, Dev. You've done more than all your haters combined, and you have untold millions of people behind you. If anime has taught us anything, it's that you always have friends in unseen places.


You're a person. What insane things can this world expect from you? Why is it that society expect perfection from any well known person on the internet, or in real life for that matter? Sadly, hate will happen no matter what you do, but keep going. You still have a lot of people who look up to you, and won't turn away just because of gossip or because you have human flaws like any other god damn person on this planet. At some point, you called a statement I made childish on your stream. Was I embarrassed? No. Was I angry? No. Because I'm not stuck up to the point where I think that you're not allowed to have or speak your opinion, just because of your position. Just like me, you're a person. And I won't say that I haven't told people worse, because I have. If you feel like you should speak up before you continue on the game, then do so. You have every right to stand up for yourself. Therefore I voted on the poll that you should address these thing. Keep going, I'm rooting for you!


I feel so disappointed that your teenage mistakes are haunting you. I didn't even know until you mentioned something here. I was just so excited about the development of the game that I don't care about the rumors. I really really really hope this doesn't make you stop working on Yandere Sim. I think it's a great concept, it'll be a super fun and great game, and I love all of it. I don't care who your were before you started all this, you seem like a pretty good guy now. Please don't give up, you still have a lot of people supporting you.


I had no idea the situation was getting... Im sorry yanderedev :c I wish i was able to pledge but moneys tight. Despite that, Ill always be by your side and support you anyway I can, no matter what. Youve inspired me to pursue Computer Science as my major (to hopefully in video gaming of,l course but software development at the very,least) and i cant thank you enough for your inspiration. THESE BULLIES CAN EAT SHIT!!


It pains me to hear your suffering from all this. But take some advice from a new soldier in the U.S army and stay strong and keep marching on. You'll always have good days and bad days and douche bags to deal with no matter what you do or where you are, and it's impossible to ignore it. All I can say is keep marching on. I'm glad you spoke up about this and know that you have the support of some U.S soldiers behind you. Keep marching friend hooah!


I've been following your game for a while now but decided to chip in on the patreon after seeing this video. Your passion for the project really shines through in it and I hope that you will continue on despite all the hardships! It may be hard to remember when things get bad, but there are always many more people supporting you then there are gremlins. Good luck!

General Winter

honestly i feel your pain, probably not on this scale but I've been harassed for various reasons when trying to be rational about things In my experience (and i believe you even said this) is these gremlins thrive on attention and with bullies IRL. the easiest way to stop it is to stop giving them any attention and focus on the game, only answering genie questions and possible in an occasional Q&A vid but otherwise drop these kinds of vids in favor of focusing on the game the only way these gremlins truly win is if you give up on the project, so don't give in to them and keeping going, don't let them pull you to their level, you're already so much further ahead then they'll ever be


I never knew it was this bad... I've always brushed off these weird hate videos as something minor, but obviously it has a huge effect on the person they are about. I feel like I should know better, especially as a bully victim myself. It couldn't have been easy to make the decision to upload this video, and I wholeheartedly applaud you. Many fans are seeking true answers from the source itself and not through second or third unreliable parties, so making another video addressing these worries could do a lot for your positive image and creator-fan-relationship. In my own opinion, rational people who explain themselves in a respectful manner are always worthy to be listened to!


I'm very sorry to hear that it's been so bad for you. It's hard to believe people think this is a just and good thing to do. I will be praying for your mental health. Get support when you can, in person, anywhere. There are many people who want you to succeed. I want you to succeed. Please, keep going. By completing this project, you will show them and those watching who you are. By completing this project, you will provide irrefutable evidence of who you truly are. I believe in you.


I haven't seen any of this drama but I really think you should focus on your game. That's what I see of you. You seem to be a sincere person and the drawback to that trait is that focusing on the drama will end you. If somebody said "Oh, that YandereDev guy? He punches dogs and scissorkicks children" I'd be like "Doubt it can be proven one way or the other so I just support his game." Also, I think that a bunch of 15+ minute videos about drama every month would drive away a lot of your supporters. Especially since drama is perpetual.


I have almost never watched any of those Anti-YandereDev Videos (only exception was because I wanted to see If the Video really was this stupid. And I know about your past and honestly... I don't care who you were back then, this is the past and you have changed. What I'm saying is "Don't give up on your Dreams, no matter how many "Anti-YandereDev" Videos are uploaded I will still Support you."


I wanted to put this comment I posted to your YT Video so that you would see it. I'm going to continue supporting on Patreon for a while, too. "I don't envy you at all. I'd like to say that I 'd handle it better than you, but I don't know if I would. It's impossible to project such a scenario onto myself and think about what I'd do; but as of right now, if I were you I would stop making youtube videos for a while. Focus on the game, find the drive to create again and don't share any of it. When you come back, there WILL be hate, there WILL be gremlins.. but there will also be SUPPORTERS. Anyone with half a brain can see the truth, and just like the James Gunn situation, people will stop caring. You'll continue making games/videos, and he will continue directing movies. But you can't let them win, you can't let them defeat you. As much as you want to quit, you can't. Even if the game you produce takes 5 more years and ends up being shit, you can't let them win. Ignore them. Turn off youtube. CREATE. If you don't already have a patreon, get one. Post updates there behind a paywall if you want. Gotta pay them bills, we get it. Come back to us when you're ready, Yandere Dev, because we'll still be here."


There is no right thing to say after awhile no matter how strong you are words do affect you and it destroys you from the inside out I have been in a similar situation where I have been put down by words growing up it caused me to give up on myself. I do hope you dont as I have loved watching your videos about the game development I always look forward for the next video but I also understand that the brain can only take so much before you jump into an imaginary hole that you cant climb out of. I do want you to know that I dont plan on not supporting you as what you have accomplished sometimes you need to look back and see the huge thing that impacted your life and look at the good that came out of it


Listen, I think you're a good person, and I've heard some of the things people have said, but you already know how this is going to turn out, that poll is more for you to say you tried. I get it man, your hurt and stressed and worried about your image. But ignoring it is never the right answer. especially if some of the things I've heard are true. I don't believe most of it because like I said, I think you're a good person, and you know that the people that still follow you are supper loyal. (Me for example) but the thing I've heard worry me, (You can probably tell what I voted on the poll), and I know I'm one person in a sea of thousands, but trust me, PLEASE trust me. If you just ignore it, and say nothing, it will only get worse, they'll see this poll and this video and say you are deflecting and shifting blame and it will only get worse, and then more people will see what everyone is saying about you, without addressing it, it will not stop until you do disappear. I love you, and your game, and I don't want it to go unfinished. (I do have one doubt about your video, but it's about contacting you and that's not really important) please, don't make it worse for yourself. yes this is going everywhere


Never let a handful (which scales based on followers) dictate how you feel and behave. I have 100k+ subscribers on YT and I am very lucky the negative people do not come at me hard, or at least that they stay in places I do not travel. You have a large scale following and if you really sit down and count in ACTUAL NUMBER how many bad apples are out there and voicing their opinion you will quickly realize just how small that group is. If 10% of your audience was hassling you there would be very little to do. But I imagine this is more like 2% that become the "squeaky wheel" that everyone starts paying attention to. The other 96% are just merrily going on waiting for the game to slowly progress and then you will get probably another 2% that will actively stand up and argue in your favor. Don't let this small battle get won by a handful of A-holes. Let the squeaky wheels squeak. When the game hits a point that makes YOU happy they will be forced to re-evaluate their own decisions knowing they had no effect on how you built your dream. We are all here to see this game finished. And they are... wherever they are... to see it not. We are on your side.


Listen, I think you are a good person, actually you are the only person I have ever patreon and that must tell how much I don't believe that stuff that is online. Yeah, I've heard a lot of things but I don't care what other people say, I only care about what I can see and I haven't seen you personally being mean to anybody or anything. I still think you must adress what is happening to you, because you need to know you are not alone, there are people there for you and if you tell your audience what's going on, you also make them aware, of course, but is better that they know what's going on from you than from the "gremlins" so they can know the truth without any distortion. Think about it. You have a lot of loyal people that worry about you and maybe even can help you filling supported instead of alone. we love you and support you, please don't give up and trust a little in us your fans. even if the bad people is in some places, we are more and we are here for you.


We are here for you Yan.


i've been following you work for a very long time, i am not really in a spot in life to aid financially but i still try to do my part and share you with as many people as i can to help you grow! :D gremlins will be gremlins, pay them no mind, the good out weighs the bad, dont let your worry trick you otherwise

Sergio "Puntosmx" Montserrat

Yan-dev. Stop. You're giving these people too much power. You are wasting time. You are wasting yourself. You need to distnce yourself from Social media. You need to stop policing Reddit. You need a secretary to filter all that crap and provide you with the actual positive feedback YOU KNOW YOU HAVE. The next time you waste your time making a drama video like this, I'll consider it a waste of my money. I am paying you to finish a game I want to see finished. WE all here are. Please, honor that wish.


Personally, I've always had an "all criticism is constructive" mentality. Partly because I always seek to improve myself, and partly because responding to trolls/gremlins with positivity is the best way to stick it to them. I'll be honest, I've never heard any of the things that people are saying about you, and I probably never will because I am not interested in hearing about it. I'm supporting you because I believe in the project. I've decided long ago that when this game finally hits Kickstarter, that it will officially be the first project that I ever back, and I'm sticking to that promise. Just know that there are people who will support you no matter what. Don't take a single one of them for granted.


To be honest, I think that the wording of the poll is not very good; I don't care about gossip and drama personnally but I voted for option 2 nonetheless, because I think that it's still important to make a thorough debunking video. And there are probably a lot of people who think the same. So please don't think that all people who vote for option 2 are actually concerned about what they heard (that would be depressing for you considering that it's actually almost one third of the answers), that's probably only the case of a minority! The others are just trying to say "do that one video so you can finally settle it and move on afterwards".


Don't worry about these morons. You've been working on this game for more than 4 years. No one of them who can only write nasty comments on youtube should have any right to mock you for that. They reproach you your lack of talent. And so ? Learning goes with making mistakes without renouncing. You're not making mistakes because you're bad, but because you're learning. The same can't be said about them, because insulting someone else is not making them grow. I believe in your work, Yandere-dev. Congratulation on your continuous work on Yandere simulator.

Mrs Emma JK

For me, I totally love the game and have no issues whatsoever with it x For those parents I've met on Twitter and discussed this with, we reached an understanding and they appreciate thay you in comparison to others at least cover nudity, give clear warnings and are transparent. I gave them advice on how to ensure only those age appropriate can play and how to set parental controls x You can't do more than you are to help peiple have their concerns addressed as you are so open. I would say focus on the game and know it's appreciated what you do x I think those concerned at the game actually understand and I know a couple who now play the game for their own entertainment. X The number of parents who have enjoyed playing or have bought foe their older children Persona 5, COD or Hitman yet were offended at the sound of Yandere Simulator without playing it spoke volumes to me. X Can some of us on the Waifu Wagon help in any way? I feel if parents are worried, talking to another parent helps x

Holy Zen!

Looking at your video, it's sad to say that that's how bullies work in real life as well. I had a speech impediment growing up, and, kids being kids, I was mocked relentlessly for it by kids at school. When I attended speech therapy, and the impediment went away, to the kids who had mocked me, I could still never speak correctly, because acknowledging that I could talk normally would mean they no longer had anyone to mock, and they NEED someone to mock to feel better about themselves. I was never truly rid of them until, through happenstance, I ended up moving to another school district. So I know how you feel, man. I really do. Ultimately, I learned the lesson that it's better to just like the things you like and do the things you do, and damn everyone else's opinions aside from the people you trust. That's what I ultimately recommend for you.


This sort of video does help you, because you're explaining that you're being attacked about minor, small % things. You're not screwed, keep going. Keep working on your baby and replace their ridicule with your success. I'd suggest putting social media aside for a bit, stop listening to their rhetoric, because you're getting the abuse because you're being successful. If you can afford it, hire someone to screen your social media/emails instead of completely shutting off. Have them filter out the gremlins so you can see the rest. They're doing their best to drag you down and hurt your project out of jealousy and maybe even a bit of indignant righteousness (given the material you're working with). These sorts want you to fail. They want you to give up and abandon your work. Your supporters know who you are. We've seen your work, and the videos of your progress. There will always be cherry-pickers who take your worst moments and twist them against you. Listen to -us-. We want you to succeed, we are rooting for you and we don't want you to fail. It's hard, and I know you're hurting. If I could I'd wipe away all the abuse, but I cannot. Instead I can give you at least my own voice, saying to you - I am on your side, supporting you. I'm not going anywhere, I want to see your project completed, and for you to keep going even after that.


For a good chunk of my childhood, I have been ridiculed by my own father and people I thought was my friends. Up to secondary school, I have suffered with rumors and backstabbing. I have suffered greatly and still suffer the consequences. I have major chronic depression and tried to commit suicide six times, but just like you said, saying anything and ignoring the problem for as long as you can only makes it worse. The only thing I have done differently is having trustworthy friends that know you and give you comfort and support the best they can. Because of them, I am able to manage throughout the days. Sure, I lose my motivation when I am falsely accused, but they always push me back to try better. Stay with friends that know you and fully ignore your backstabber, stay proud and focused on your project and things will eventually go back how it was. You can always talk to us Yandere-dev. Stay positive!!


Well, I'm here and so are 975 others. I never really cared what others thought of me (probably because I had more important things on my plate with a stupid number of medical issues, so maybe I'm not the best at giving advice in that department) but I think there's no better way to prove others wrong about you then to do the thing the say you can't.


Don't bother addressing it. It doesn't matter what you say. I know that might sound a little cold but they'll just spin what you say, take things out of context or shift the goal posts. You're best option is just to ignore it and let it blow over.


If you want somebody who's gone through something extremely similar, their name is "mysterious Mr enter" on YouTube. I know it got to the point where the swat team arrived at his house so he may have better advice than the community. Just a suggestion.


we love you ,yanderedev. no matter what, we support your decision as far as where you want this to go from here on out. no matter what people will attack you emotionally and yes, 4 years of harassment over time would stress anyone out. yet you toughed it out for so long and remained diligent. I hope your poll helps you with an outcome and the video was very helpful and a topic you didnt have to clear up at all, yet you did for the sake of the community and bringing closure to all of this. I hope you can take a deep breath and try to unwind from all the stress.


Just became a patron because of this video. I've made a point to ignore all of the drama videos because I knew they were probably bs. I had no idea it was this bad, I thought it was just youtube drama. Every niche community on youtube becomes toxic at some point. It made me realize how important it is to support you in any way I can. Keep on keeping on, devpai.


For as long as you have been working on this project, I can only commend you for working as hard as you have under such circumstances. Personally, I've noticed people trying to spread things about you for years but I try to ignore it because I KNOW what they're trying to do. I'm also not the kind if person who likes to pay attention to haters like that, I just do me. However, under rare circumstances, there may be a particular thing worth adressing; I don't think dedicating yourself to this topic too much is worth your time, but I do believe defending yourself now and then is worthwhile in the long run. I don't truly know what things you have or haven't done, from what I heard, but I give you the benefit of the doubt and still support you even if I'm not actively a patron. I wish you well.


I have resubscibed to your patreon to show my support for you and this fantastic game. I have been in a similar situation as you to a smaller scale and it is incredibly hard to get out from under it. I am one to not believe everything that is told to me and I have been following you for far to long to believe in any kind of smear campaign. You have done an amazing job on the game and I will patiently wait for the to come when you release it. I wish you the best of luck.


Dude, just work on the game. The people who really support you dont care how long it takes and dont listen to stupid idiots. Its just you after all, and we get that. You're doing great.


I’d fight like hell! Never surrender, I’d be pissed off and it wouldn’t take long to get there. But if it’s for something that I’ve worked years on and something that even in my worst days i want to be bug I would keep fighting. But if doubt, depression, tiredness I would most likely crumble. But if I’m going to fail anyway why not fail while fighting like hell? I mean even in the nothingness and void of those dark thoughts there IS most DEFIANTLY a way out. I’ve gotten out before, vie crumbled before. But even if i crumble but thees even a 0.0000000001 chance my creation could survive I’d fight. I’ve done this with a story I’m writing (its just for fun but hopefully one day i can get it publishes it needs lots of work) And I’ve fought against these negative feelings many times in the short time I’ve been working on it but every time i fight i end up getting past ad continue with my work, proud that I’m still doing something that I have passion and love for. Please Don’t give up


hey man I love what your building and I like you. I've sat waiting for years for this and I'm still looking forward to what your eventually gonna make which is one bad ass game. I hope you and know you have the strength to keep going and produce something awesome for all of us to enjoy. I may not support on patreon but I have bought some merch. because this game is great and your great. but whatever happens I hope you can be happy and continue to enjoy creating with a passion.


If addressing the claims and posting your side of the story is going to make you feel better than do it. If it's going to cause more stress than try to ignore it. I want to say 'keep going' 'don't give up' and 'haters gonna hate.' But if it's truly, truly to a point you can't handle it anymore more than walk away. It's too late in the game to say there won't be people that will be upset if you quit, but you need to make your health a priority. If you don't want to give up yet, than keep fighting and push through. If it's between yourself and the game choose yourself, you are more important.


I'm finding it difficult to know how to respond to this. This video was so desolate, and completely heartbreaking. I've been one of your patrons for two years now, and I have no intention of stopping. I only wish I could contribute more to the development of your game. Also, I don't really care how long it takes for you to finish the game, because to me the process of watching its development is in itself the reward. I would be surprised if I were the only supporter/fan who felt this way. I'm happy with how the game is progressing, and it's interesting to see the videos you make (and I'm also ok with the current video update schedule). I've never understood why some people feel the need to behave so badly on the internet, and I'm sorry it's happened to you. I'm not sure reading this will help anything, but I hope it will.

Raymond Fürst

I completely agree to what fireflower201 said. I hope that you feel better/releaved now that you spoke up and do not carry around your feelings about this in private any more. Please keep up with the project. Completing the game ist the best way to prove all the haters wrong.


I really want to give a long message about this, but since everyone has done it, let me add a couple of suggestions First, hey, we've all endured something rough in our lives. I'm sorry you've had these experiences, and even if you broke up and cried, it makes you human. Second, focus on improving yourself from now, whatever bad happened, you have control over yourself, so you can work on that. After watching what your detractors did, are any of those things true? If so, take note and improve. If you did a mistake, don't repeat it. Personally, from my point of view, the worst what you've done, based on their word, is to mishandle some business opportunities. Please become a good employer, try to organize yourself as a producer and keep it fair for both your "volunteers" and you. That would repair most of your past experiences and turn you into a good member of the video games industry. I still appreciate a lot of your work and not because some people belittle you means they are right. All of us are emotional, and if you need healing, we, as your audience, will support as we can, hopefully without being blinded zealots, heh. I noticed some improvements in a couple of videos, and if I would've been you, I would have allowed the TinyDev programmer remake the game while you worked in content with your fans to keep the game alive (full time/more). This idea is something that I just learned, so my point is, well, can't do it now, so let's see what you can do today for a better game. Please continue on the game, and while you are at it, show how you are recovering as a human being. Fun game, good heart.


First of all, no matter what others say, you know that you have not done anything wrong, except for betraying yourself by becoming depressed and worrying about those things, if you want to cry, cry, if you want to scream, scream, those feelings are what make us human, do not let the comments of these toxic '' people '' affect you, if you see it necessary make the videos talking about the topic (although I do not speak English I am able to understand the language and I am interested know the situation). Although I can not give you financial support due to the situation in my country (I'm from Venezuela xd) I've always followed your work with this game, and the truth seems to me that you have enough potential in this industry, do not give up, life is full of good and bad things, what matters is that you do not surrender to anything that comes before you


Because of your video .. I actually have begun using the term 'goblins' to define the type of self righteous condemnation group bullying tactics I've seen around the internet. I too have been the victim of a smear campaign. But unlike you, I don't have literally hundreds of thousands of fans already on my side. It's mostly over now, but residual effects still happens among a certain, small group of people. But even if I hadn't, I'm a very empathetic person, who is more interested in trying to leave the past in the past and move forward. Ironically I was targeted for standing up for another person being targeted (this really is my ongoing personality). Trying to get to the truth of an accusation is already taking the wrong approach. I'm libertarian, for the most part, I don't care what people have done or said. As a fellow coder, I am sympathetic to .. well ... tons of problems. Some of the crap I've written in my professional career is laughable.

Hudson Mills

hey yandere dev just became a patreon u are my first ever patreon for maybe 4 years i have been watching u on here on youtube and twitch (not sure if it was 4 years) but i gotta say you helped me through so much stuff with you faboulous game and ur funny jokes in videos..... i was recently diagnosed with autism me and family did not have money to get it diagnsed but my grandma recently passed away and i loved her so much and we got money from here and well finally got it diagnosed and well i kinda need some of that help heh well i heard recently in the latest videos of ppl being such,,,,,, bigots so i wanted to help u out like u helped me love you brother


YandereDev: First off, I want to apologize to you for not supporting you three years ago when I first discovered your game in its very early stages. Since then, I've silently watched the tangible progress you've made. Following YanSim's development brought me joy at a time when my life was falling apart. I had planned to wait until the demo was complete and then drop a lot of money on you at once, but I can no longer sit back and allow you to continue to beat yourself up while I do nothing. I regret I can only give the minimum right now, but I want to show you in a real way that I believe in your project and always have. I was on the YanSim subreddit before and after it deteriorated into what it is now; I've since decamped to greener pastures. I'm well aware of your, quote, "misdeeds", and don't care. I understand better than many what it feels like to be bullied for years on end for things done (or allegedly done) when younger and stupider, and I feel awful for you that this Patreon has taken such a hit over the past year. I can't make up for the lost funds no matter how much I might want to. I hope you're okay, physically and mentally. Okay, obviously you're not okay mentally, and for that you have my sympathies. I hope you're able to pull out of this funk. Not for me, but for yourself. It's so hard to work on a project when you can't feel joy in it. Even if you have trouble believing in yourself, I believe in you. That is all. Take care. Oh, PS - Despite the fact that I personally don't care and I've read your apologias on tumblr, I do think you should address all the rumours swirling around you. I absolutely understand your hesitation to do that, but this stuff has just been festering for too long, and ignoring it WILL NOT fix the situation; I had to learn this the hard way. None of us are perfect. I believe it could be best for your own well-being if you tackle this head-on, apologize for what mistakes you've made (we've all made some), and correct or explain the things that are blatantly false or misrepresented.


I'm happy to hear that you've stuck with me all this time! The subreddit has recently been cleaned up; you're welcome to check it out now. I do plan to address the rumors; I'll be making a post about it pretty soon, probably less than 24 hours.


The gossip hasn't reached me, and honestly I don't care about that kind of thing, but still I voted yes for making a video. Think of it as an eye-opener for your supporters: once they're aware of what's going on, they become more skeptical of such gossip and less likely to fall for the misinformation. If they see any 'new' slander, they'll probably recognize it as the same kind of BS they've seen before and dismiss it altogether. That said, I don't think you need to address every single piece of slander thrown your way, that would take too much mental energy. Only the really serious/outlandish/funny ones deserve your attention. Perhaps one or two videos might be enough to cover the gist of it. I've been keeping up with your updates for a couple of years now, and I honestly believe you're a good person and that what you're doing deserves my support.


i kinda wish there was more then 2 answers for this poll but the ratio ( as of12/4) says to me that you should spend a little bit of time communicating with your audience about drama stuff. weirdly enough, by being more open about this stuff you could turn some gremlins into gnomes that will support you. me personally i never really cared about your private life too much because you aren't a youtube personality/entertainer(your craft literally involves you punching in numbers and letters on a computer screen). you are a man that likes to keep your audience aware of things in regards to the development of Yandere Simulator and nothing past that. This video in particular is no exception. but maybe you could try making a video showing all the support you receive and maybe that will raise your spirits and maybe even gain more supporters. good is just as infectious as bad.

Sarut Saiklangdee

You know What I love this game and I love you who give her life, my concern about this project is that you YandereDev is come along too far to give up. Don't give a shit to that prick who never pass anything like you do, they not even know how to man up and pushing forward to anything they love 'cause this kind of people is no love to anything. I really really sad as your supporter that never acknowledge your feeling and problem but keep up the good work your handy work is best of the best for creator who love his work.


People cared more about the game than you in the poll, that's just rude and mean