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Wow! We managed to meet the milestone of $1,000! I'd like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to everyone who helped me reach that goal! Thank you all so much! This is probably a good time for me to bring up an issue that I've been meaning to discuss for a long time now. When I was a full-time employee at a video game company, I was paid $3,750 per month. To me, that's what a monthly "full time" wage is. I set the Patreon goal at $1,000 because I didn't want to seem greedy, but to be honest, that's not a full time wage. $1,000 per month doesn't even qualify as minimum wage in some countries. As I said above, I have immense and heartfelt gratitude for everyone supporting the game's development - but I made an awful mistake when I promised "full-time" devotion for only a fourth of an actual full-time wage. I worry that, if I increase the goal or set a new goal, then I will be accused of being greedy. I really don't want that stigma. Looks like I've shot myself in the foot here. True to my word, I will stop searching for freelance jobs and focus all of my attention on developing Yandere Simulator, and work on it for roughly the same number of hours that I'd work at a full-time job. However, to justify the time and effort I'm putting into it, I would need significantly more money. What do you recommend? Do you think it would be acceptable to change the figure in the "Full-time" goal? Do you think it would be acceptable to add a new goal? Or do you think I've simply screwed myself over?



I wouldn't change the figure for the full time, as people might feel cheated. Personally, I would add new goals. The people that have been here would stay, since they were here before the goal was reached. The new ones that think about donating will have a new goal to reach, rather than "over fund" the existing one.


I agree with what you've said. I would feel cheated if I helped someone reach their goal, and then they responded by changing their goal. I worry that nobody will want to donate to a project that has already reached is goal, so I think it would be logical to set new goals.


Hey, I contribute some to the project, and I don't think you need to shoot yourself in the foot. I assumed your 'full time work' was a bit tongue-in-cheek, that it just meant treating the project more like a job than a hobby. Keep working for a living, you're not required to dance for the internet. Spend more time on the project if you would otherwise be gaming, post more about what you create, etc. Don't stop looking for freelance work. My two cents.


As the others have said here, You dont need to stop doing freelance jobs, just give Yandere simulator a bigger time, treat it like a small job instead of a hobby! we are all really looking forward to it, but we dont want you to destroy your life because of it! just do what you think you can do.


I'd say don't sweat it too much. Don't have to work on YanSim full-time, maybe just part-time? Or think of it as an official casual job. And maybe you'll find some artists/modellers who will help you for free. Keep up the freelance work. You can't work on YanSim if you are broke or hungry. So don't push yourself too much.


I think this funding is our promise. But I understand. So keep working on your job(I think quit your job is mischoice) and other time, you concentrate on yandere My funding reason is 'wow, game looks cool. I hope this game keep dev.' I hope yandere meet soon


Think yandere is sidejob!!


I just found out about this game through an article on Sankaku Complex. The game looks amazing, much better than many games with ten times the funding. You've obviously devoted plenty of time and thought to this project. I doubt most of your contributors would fault you for continuing your freelance work until the game gets enough funding for you to comfortably transition into it being your full-time job, provided you still devote plenty of time to the game and provide regular updates as to its progress. I think if the project could get a little more publicity, you would find plenty of people who would be interested enough to contribute and that amount of funding could be reached fairly quickly. Of course, that's just my option. e_e




To be honest, I personally always suspected $1000 per month was a bit low. Just add a few new goals and say that if you reach them, you'll do things like put the game on steam or implement achievements or something.


We know you can't spend your full-time on this project with 1,000$ per month. Even in Korea, people do not let you make any games with that small salary. From my perspective, it is ok to change your goal. However, to me, this is a kind of venture capital which is a high risk investment and it looks like a young cash-hungry company. Those who invested their money to venture capital may expect a high return, but we cant expect such a reward. Now, you are the company itself. You have to tempt us for earning more money. Promise the reward based on the amount invested. Without any motivations and certainty, people would be still reluctant to donate their money or more money like me.


제가 영어를 못 하지만 대충 번역기를 써서 내용을 파악했습니다. 저도 다른 사람들처럼 현재 일을 그만두는건 좋은 방법이 아니라고 생각합니다. 분명 이 게임이 기다려지기도 하지만 이 것 하나에 모든 것을 쏟아붓는다면 실패했을때의 부담감이 커질 것이고 그 불안감은 개발 중인 게임에 영향을 끼치게 될 것이라 생각합니다. 우린 더 기다릴 수 있습니다. 한 사람의 운명이 걸린 문제니까요.


Why don't you put it to a vote?


As someone who is planning to back this in the future I ask you this: How much do you need to feel that you are making enough for you to go full-time? I fully understand your situation and I am certainly not blaming you for telling us this. I am just curious how much you need to feel comfortable.


Just raise the money needed ASAP, lots of patreons are probably backing you since they like the project overall and not ONLY for you to hit the full-time goal. People who are mad are free to stop donating if they feel truly cheated. Deservingly so you'll get a lot of sour responses but no hobby is really worth willingly living on a bad income when you don't "have" to! You might also start feeling resentment for the game instead of excitement and end up not wanting to work on it at all. I suppose adding more milestones is an idea but I'm so used to seeing kickstarters overpromise on added goals that it feels like a bigger trap for you to fall into...Unless you manage to think of cute/fun but very minor and easy to implement additions.


I never expect you can live with 1000. Except a full time water and instant noodle life. I'd say raise your milestone, and keep your freelancing, until the milestone is reached again. If people feel offended and leave... at least you still got your freelance (as 2nd escape route).


I was paid $3,750 per month at my last full-time position, so, in my mind, that's the criteria for an actual full-time wage. I think I'd feel justified in working full-time at $3,000 per month. Does that sound too greedy?


Nobody is going to expect you to live on $12,000 a year. Raising the goal doesn't make you sound greedy, it makes you sound like you are legitimately able to work on something full time. However, I think there should be some kind of extra goals. They can be very easy things, such as patreons who donated get access to the music files, or, get a wallpaper, etc..

Motoko Tsuchimikado

I don't care if you raise your goal. I mean I can understand that you need to work, and that you can't pass with only 1000 dollars. Keep doing your freelance job, and when you not doing it, just keep going with the yandere simualtor. I will keep supporting you.


Maybe add more reward tiers to get more patrons. With what you've got to show so far people would be inclined to back it.


if you spend about 1-2hrs per day on the project (a decomposable 40h in a month) I'd say you earn your pay.


I think nobody would mind if you set the goal higher, most people can see that your goals were set unrealistically low and that you have apologized for your mistake.


oops. i misunderstood before this comments.


I think you dont' have to worry about the money problem yet lol Because as long as you post the game videos on yotube and other internet sites, more people will donate the money for your game! But, if you really need more money for the game, you can register your game on kickstarter or steam greenlight. Or you can set new milestones to get more money. (I think 1000dollar for a month is not enough for the game too)


^I second that. I think you've earned some trust considering how you post progress updates reliably often. If you're focusing full attention on the game, 12k/yr is no way to live. Just keep up the good work!

Sergio "Puntosmx" Montserrat (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-03 17:27:49 Well, 1K dlls is a good salary for mexican standards, but I gues the cost of living here is lower than where you are. I hope your patreon income can keep growing towards your next goal, but I don't find you also making some freelance stuff on the side as long as you also keep on working on YanSim <3
2015-03-28 18:59:20 Well, 1K dlls is a good salary for mexican standards, but I gues the cost of living here is lower than where you are. I hope your patreon income can keep growing towards your next goal, but I don't find you also making some freelance stuff on the side as long as you also keep on working on YanSim <3

Well, 1K dlls is a good salary for mexican standards, but I gues the cost of living here is lower than where you are. I hope your patreon income can keep growing towards your next goal, but I don't find you also making some freelance stuff on the side as long as you also keep on working on YanSim <3