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As some of you might know, this used to primarily be a tabletop only patreon. While the channel would occasionally do some anime related content, it hardly ever made its way on to here. Over time we started transitioning our way to other content, such as the reactions you see on here. We still have an eye towards tabletop gaming, so don't worry if that is what you are here for, we are just in a bit of a lull when it comes to that... and we have placed a large bit of focus into our reaction content. Thus the patreons name change from Know Your Roll to Stone Faced Reactions, to reflect this shift in focus.

If any of you are wondering why, well... we enjoy doing it just as much as the other thing. In case you didn't know, what we do is get together three days a week to do our recordings back to back. Thursdays its the whole gang recording three shows in a row, Bi-weekly on Friday it is Griff and Theta for doing three recordings of The Wheel and two of Gundam, Saturdays are Chey and Theta with Summer Time Render and any general recordings that need to be done.

When we release those recordings on here, that is when Theta (the editor) gets done putting things together. That is why sometimes it seems like everything is hitting the Patreon all at once. The recordings are all so close together and Theta gets on it just as soon as possible. But we'd also love to hear any feedback or suggestions for YOU, our most important re-reactors. What would you like to see from us? Would you prefer a more ordered patreon release schedule? Let us know, I assure you we live to please. ;-)


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