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I just recently surpassed 100k subscribers on youtube. This is a major milestone for the channel and I'm very thankful for everyone's support!

The reaction to the Elden Ring Fall Damage episode has been great, but there's a few loose ends and responses worth addressing so I'm going to work on a shorter follow-up episode. Here's a few things I'll be talking about:


I kinda glossed over stamina loss, just mentioning that it has no bearing on HP loss or the fall damage/ death breakpoints. This was correct, but some falls DO drain stamina, leaving many viewers wondering what role it plays or how it's effected. As it turns out, it's incredibly simple:

Falls of 4+ meters drain 25 stamina
Falls of 8+ meters drain 50 stamina

That appears to be it! These are set breakpoints and it doesn't scale, meaning a fall of 7.9 meters only drains 25 stamina still, then it suddenly jumps up to 50 at 8. Nothing seems to affect this, I tested with low and high stats across the board, as well as weights ranging from naked to extremely overburdened.

Of course the catch is that you only ever see this during combat, as stamina never drains otherwise.

Spirit Spring Inconsistency

This one's gonna need a closer look, because admittedly I didn't do a very good job of conveying this in the video. Spirit springs don't inherently have a patch of ground that offer safe landing, but rather you are granted a safe landing buff when you're near + above them (a windy-looking effect that envelopes the player). If you're granted this buff, you can jump further away from where the effect is normally granted and still be ok:

At 22:17 in, you can see me jump above the Seaside Ruins one before I double jump away, so a lot of people are pointing out how that gave me a safer landing. This is half correct; While that is technically what happened, I didn't need to do that. The Seaside Ruins location, and some others like the one right near the First Step, really do have an incredibly generous area that grants the safe landing buff:
Wider Spirit Springs Demonstration

So there we have a better demonstration of the discrepancy; Some spirit springs have a much wider safe area, compared to others that require you to fall almost directly above the visual effect. This feels a bit cheap if you learned the wrong lesson earlier on that you didn't have to get as close. Some have actually been widened in 1.03 so it would seem the developers agreed it was a problem, but not all problematic ones reported by the community were fixed so I'm researching exactly which ones have changed.

Loss of Double Jump

I recently tweeted about this one, but when I talked about losing double-jump with Torrent based on the distance of your fall (estimated to be 20 meters as well), I got a lot of comments suggesting that this is because I walked off of a ledge with Torrent when I was supposed to do a regular jump off the ledge with him first. As I've found, this appears to just be a widespread bug... probably. It applies to damn near half the weapons in the game (maybe more?), but depending on the weapon class you're wielding while you're on Torrent, you simply can't double jump mid-air after walking off a ledge, you DID need to jump with him first in that situation.

But otherwise, regardless if you're experiencing this bug or not, double jump is still taken away after falling roughly 20 m if/when it's normally available to you. This is super weird and doesn't have enough attention, because it still hasn't been fixed! I feel bad for all the players who haven't been experiencing double jump the correct way for essentially their entire playthroughs.


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