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Hello! Sorry for the long stretch of silence. I'm sure many of you may have noticed my general absence not only from here but also on social media. 2021 has been a tough year. A combination of health issues (I've been safe from COVID thankfully), stress from my day job, and the passing of a family member sort of snowballed into burning me out and retreating into a bit of depression.

There was also a bit of a PC-scare that some of you may have heard about on Twitter, but that thankfully turned out to be a fairly trivial fix in the end and didn't wind up being the main source of slowing me down.

I tend to be very private about this sort of stuff and it's not my attention to fish for sympathy in any way, but I just wanted to everyone to know why there hasn't been an upload in months. I'm super thankful for everyone's support and completely understand anyone who has lessened or canceled their subscription. 

That being said, I'm working through some of the things that've been holding me back and I'm itching to get a bunch more stuff done again. I finally completed the 2nd video screensaver! The Great Hollow & Ash Lake:

Special thanks to king bore for helping me mod in some (VERY minor) cut content into this video. I wonder if anyone will be able to recognize something out-of-the-ordinary in it!

The video is unlisted for now, since the last thing I want to do is get my subscriber's hopes up with new content and get... this. But I wanted my patron's to be able to see it right away, and it'll go public shortly after my next video is done. 

Speaking of which, if you haven't seen it yet, The Noclip documentary on the Demon's Souls Remake just debuted earlier this week! It's a bit lighter on showing behind-the-scenes stuff than I would've hoped for (putting a bigger emphasis on a post-release interview format), but I'm super thankful for the crew from Noclip for putting it together and compiling as much as I'm sure they were allowed.

The silver lining here is that there are bits and pieces I can reference in upcoming Demon's Souls Compare-Through episodes; In fact I went back and made a couple small edits to the next episode's script immediately after watching it. There will be more progress updates soon, and thank you again for your patience! <3


Dark Souls Video Screensaver: Great Hollow & Ash Lake

1 full hour of tranquil scenes from the Great Hollow and Ash Lake. "Perfect for studying or background!" Want to use it as a background during a live-stream or event? Go right ahead, no need to ask for permission!


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