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Yennefer thought that if she just kept Ciri close to her, that this accident between Triss and her would not happen again. If only she had known how unbridled their passion already was...

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Status Update

First of all, the best news for me: I was able to solve the problem with the Jill model that I wrote about a few posts ago. So it is possible to continue working with her, as the current WIP shows. 🥳

Otherwise, the current project phase is unfortunately not very much exciting to report on. The VAs are currently recording the last audio recordings for the 5-minutes-ME project. At the same time, I am finalising many scenes.

So things are progressing very well, but I don't want to commit to a release date yet.

However, it hopefully shouldn't take that much longer.  🤞



The Devil You Know

Damn yen just join them, you know you want to


That is some good news for sure! Can't wait to see the full project.


Thank you for the wallpaper Desire, hope to see many more of Triss

Joseph Hayes

That's great news, looking forward to seeing it when it is ready

John Storm

Hi, great stuff like the lighting a lot :)


You are a GOD compared to other creators like NYL, OMITOME, and GENERAL BUTCH. I would love to see a scene like this. You bring that realism and you keep it going.


Did the project get finished?