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Over the past few weeks, Yennefer was already beginning to realise that she would not be able to satisfy Triss's ever-increasing lust. Every day she noticed the red sorceress' greedy glances at her unsuspecting Ciri.

But never would Yen have thought that her once best friend would actually be willing to cross that line....

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Status Update

The past two weeks have been up and down. On the one hand, I tried again to save the Jill model, but I still couldn't get rid of the bug. I don't want to admit this to myself yet, because it would mean that I would have to completely rebuild the model and then of course rework all the animations with her.

That's why I've mainly been working on ME.

WIP #85 

Miranda and Shepard are fortunately a great team and the work with them flows wonderfully. The same goes for their VAs, whose recordings I have received as well. 

My plan now is to have the ME movie roughly animated from start to finish by the end of next week. After that I would make one last attempt to save the Jill-model. WIPs and updates will follow along. 🙂

Oh, did I mention that I bruised my hand (hopefully only)? But luckily the wrist can be turned again enough for me to use a keyboard. I'm not as broken as Jill yet. 😅




I’m sorry to hear about the technical issues and your hand! Get well soon! Your health is the most important thing!


Love your work. I hope you're doing fine


I hope you get well soon!

Jack P

I hope you would be able to save the model and that the hand gets better.


Any progress