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Especially after a tough mission, the insatiable lust of this brat could sometimes become quite exhausting for Diana. On the other hand, does she really want to complain about being greeted like this every night?...

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Status Report

First of all, sorry for the long break without info.

As announced, I didn't work quite as much last month during patreon pause, but still managed to get some things done.

The base poses are more or less finished. Four are planned, each with a few variations. 

In The Golden Grain, for example, after Triss climbs onto Anya's table, everything from this point actually consists of only two base poses. 

Accordingly, I want to work thoroughly on these base poses in order to have less work later on, whereby Claire's model, or rather her facial expressions, caused me quiet some problems. I can now understand why she is not exactly popular with many modders in this respect. But I hope I have it halfway under control. 🤞

I have also received the first audio recordings and should receive the rest of the first recording session (about 50% of all recordings) by next week. The two VAs from the first movie are on board again and I think we have also been able to win a great VA for Claire. 🥳

The script has also become much longer than planned, with 12 pages, but since "The Golden Grain" had 31 pages, we should still be reasonably on target here. 😅

I also just posted the first WIP-Animation of the movie. And from now on I should be able to post WIP animations more regularly again.

That's all the news for now. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 🙂
