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Patron Barkasto asked for a more clearly structured archive to prevent loosing time with searching for the stuff you want to see.

I spent some money on my Mega.nz-account to provide this service. There I created a hopefully uncomplicated cloud-archive, so you could find all the stuff, I made so far.

The archive will be encrypted and the link to it will change each month after the payout is done (First week of a month). You will receive a message with the new link, immediatly after the old one is not valid anymore.

The March-Link should be already in your inbox (For all verified patrons from 21.03.2017 - 11:00 GMT+1).

If you become a patron during the month, please wait till the next payment-cycle at begin of next month. You will receive the new link automatically then.

Please let me know, incase you miss something in the archive. My local hard drives are really unorganized, so may I forgot to upload some files.

Have fun! :-)