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Hi patrons,

First of all let me thank you, that you are still here. In the past two weeks I couldn't even check my mails, so I feared, you left me behind. But I should have known it better. :-)

Ok, I have good news and bad news.

Bad news first: My internet provider again delayed the setup of my internet connection. New date around 18.03.2017...Argh!

The good news is, I bought some LTE-bandwith, which will make it possible to release my TLoU2-Shortmovie before that date. And even better for you patrons: Since I don't have enough bandwith to upload all necessary versions (Pornhub, 720p-Public-release etc.) I will only upload the patron-exclusive 1080p-Version, before my normal internet is back.

So this clip will be patreon-exclusive for about half a month. I can't tell you a release date now. The animations are nearly finished and mostly I need to render stuff and add sound. The last part is kinda hard, because I am limited to the soundfiles on my hard drives, but I think, it will work. 

Here's the last preview before release:

Download/Stream (Zippyshare) 

I know, a lot of you are not really interested into this project and would love to see more witcher-stuff. And I got some good and bad news for you as well. The good news is, my work with the TLOU-shortmovie let me earn a lot of new skills, which will help me to make more realistic and more unique animations in a lesser amout of time then before. Normally I used to have an animation-loop of around 20-30 seconds in my previous clips and just used several camera-setups to hide it. The TLOU-shortmovie has several minutes of unique animations and so will have my future witcher-projects. I can't imagine, what is possible with my new skills using the great witcher-models, compared to the really buggy and unfinished TLOU-models I worked with now. 

The bad news is, I will have to rebuild most of my witcher-animations, I made so far, to profit from those new techniques.

But in the end the result will be way better compared to any of my previous stuff. Ahh, can't wait to finish TLOU and get back to my beloved Triss. <3





Leave what you have as it is and wrap it up. Put those new skills to use on a sequel!


I am a perfectionist in this case. It is really hard for me to motivate me to finish something, I know I could have done better. But part of the stuff I have, can be reused , I think.


I hate internet providers...always the same shit with them. Good luck on your hopefully not endless road to get your connection back.