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First of all as always a big thanks for your December-pledges. We are getting to the numbers, where I can start thinking of hiring voice actors for my clips and of course as well for my second PC for 360°-Mocap.

Patron Ruben requested to animate my entry for XPSFM's witcher-contest and so I did, since it was a good possibility to try out more advanced mocap. I borrowed a laptop from a friend and was able to test 360°Kinect-Mocap. Actually all the characters on the right side in the background are animated with this technique (Shani and Geralt by hand).

I hope you like. Your pledges made this possible! :-)

Download (Mixtape) 

To not affect the competition, this animation will be patreon-exclusive till the results. So please don't share it for now.




Dead link, although I am a little late to the party :)


Holy shit, that's awesome! Thanks a lot mate, great work!