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Only a few at the court of Toussaint knew what one really had to do to be at the top of the queen's favour...

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In the last post I talked about a more complex animation where I wasn't sure if it would work. Status now: Yes, it works. The finishing touches are still missing, but it works.  😊

Still, I'm a bit worried about whether I'll be able to meet the 31 October release date. Especially because I haven't been able to commission all the missing audio recordings yet. This 30-pages-script is just way too big 😬. But all dialogue recordings are done. The rest are mainly smaller sounds, such as strained moans that have to be synchronised exactly to certain animations.
The day before yesterday I received 23 minutes of new audio recordings, which I will now synchronise the animations to.

Don't worry, that doesn't mean that another 23 minutes have to be animated. Such recordings always contain two or three takes of each line of dialogue with different emphasis. I also have individual moans recorded for each sex pose, of which often only half or even less makes it into the video.

Just for fun, I added up the runtime of all the audio recordings of the VAs for this movie so far and have already reached 3.5 hours. 😅

It's only thanks to you patrons that I can afford to invest budget in great VAs. I never want to go back to the time when I had to rely on soundpacks.

So, it's back to work. The light at the end of the tunnel gets a lot closer every day. 💪



Hego Damask

I'm extremely excited


The Triss adult movie of my dreams is right upon us 😍🥰 . Hope the Halloween 🎃 date can still be made since the theme is just too fitting here 😏 . Moreover never forget about them regular backups especially now that you're on the finish line !

Ichigo Kurosaki

Soooooo excited for this!! Your work is legendary

jesus christ, dont tell me there is anna in the animation ???


This is why you are the best when It comes to this content. You put in the effort. I think we all can agree. If you have to. Take your time. If it was easier for you, I would want the Extra 23 mins lol.


Some of the best sound design in the business. Would still love to see non music versions of your previous videos!


This is an amazing wallpaper