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Anna Henrietta and Syanna were separated by many things, but there was one passion that finally welded them together.

Status update

Unfortunately, I don't have too much exciting information today. The final script version has not been completed yet. To replace my script-writer, who is currently on hiatus, I have teamed up with a voice actress who has shown a great talent for improvised dirty talk in the past. She has only never co-written a script before, which is why the whole thing is taking a bit longer than planned, but the lines she has already written are really great. 👌

She got the "futa-spirit" right, if you know what I mean.😏

Since I couldn't continue working on animations where parts of the audio recordings for them were still missing, I used the time to finalise all the scenes with complete sound. Yesterday I also started with the final renders of these parts, which will take a week at least. Afterwards, these renders will be checked for possible glitches, reworked if necessary and re-rendered. This is a very time-consuming process, but not one in which I can actively do much, as my computer is more or less paralysed for the render time - I can't currently get SFM to work on my second computer, as I seem to have completely crushed the software with overmodding. 😬

Because this is the case and I can't do much actively at the moment, I have already decided to pause the Patreon Charges in August. Even though I should have everything together in that month to work on the rest of the animations. I will then of course continue working as normal. Only in July I can work less for at least some time and I don't think it would be fair if you didn't get any compensation.

As soon as the script and the last audio recordings are finished, we will slowly start the final spurt. 💪




I typed this before for another maker of exceptional quality like you I type it again Chasing The dragon of perfection is its own curses and reward. your works so far are amazing no doubt. The hardest thing a maker must do is set bounds for there works. Take what time you need to finish this spin off as you see it finished. For your next project set and keep a max time say 15 min not including credits and make the ending first so you work back from it just a though. I cant wait to see this work finished


RE2 going to be so 🔥