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Today's WIP contains mild spoilers for the second half of the film. If you can really call that a spoiler. But if you don't want to see anything that plays after the 5-minute preview of the Corruption spinoff, then better skip this WIP. 🙂

Don't worry, Triss is just getting started. 😏

I'm not 100% satisfied with the motion animations yet, but especially with such transition anims without any form of loop, it takes some time, many reiterations and test renders until it really looks good, or until you know whether it works at all.

But I'm only missing a handful of transition animations. It's going very well. 💪



Nyran Richmond

I really hope you're able to stick to the completion of the rough draft by the end of this month as said by you Desire, don't forget 😉 at least the rough draft. Us having been patient, more importantly paying ! members this whole time are owed that. Remember, the rough draft done, completed, finished by the end of this month. The month of June.

Joseph Hayes

well there have been a few months recently where they suspended payment due to the lack of content/progress regarding this


Keep up with that nice work that you do