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And again a "small" project escalated. I wanted to re-enact a specific scene with this cumshot-animation, but wasn't able to get even close. So after a lot of brainstorming and several failed attempts, I think, I found a good way to achive more realistic movements for some of my animations. Since it is a huge amout of work to animate the way I tried in the following short clip, I sadly wount be able to do it in all my animations.

What do you think?




I think ... You are a genius ! :p


Wow, the way she has her finger in her mouth is so cute, and really communicates how much she craves the cumshot. Lighting looks well done from what I can tell. I think because of the lighting, you can even see Ciri's sweat. Nice detail ;) The jerking motion is also pretty realistic, now that you mention it. The dick actually moves with the hand, whereas with most people, the dick stays stationary :P lol Always love getting updates from you, Desire :)


Actually I didn't finished the dick-animation and just focused on Ciri - how could I not? So sweet ^.^


Excellent !