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Ciri knew this moment would change everything. Would she be rejected? Would she may lose one of her most important fellows? Everything bad was possible.

But she made her decision. Not even one more day would pass with hiding
her feelings. She did this for so long and it torn her inside. Ciri will tell her.
She will open her heart. Throw all into this moment.

She will confess her love to Yennefer...


For best experience I highly recommend to turn your speakers up. Only music, no trap. :-)

  • Youtube (Yeah, it is legal! - and best quality as well)
  • Pornhub
  • Download (Only 720p, 30fps - Sorry, not enough online space)

This project nearly killed me. It started with a simple wallpaper-idea and then I said to myself: There is still no good kiss in any game out there. Heavy Rain? Uhh...Life is Strange was ok...or let’s say, it didn’t disturb the moment.

So I took the challenge and...well...I understand now. This animation took me around 30-40 hours (I am not sure - too tired to count). Nevertheless it was worth it. Not perfect, but my beloved Ciri & Yen gave me goosebumps.

But since this SFM-thing is getting a bigger hobby for me, it just takes so much time, I need to justify it to myself. That’s why I created a Patreon-Account. There won’t be any benefits for now, but If you want to support me on my road to more emotions and atmosphere - there you can do it!

Of couse any feedback is a valid and welcome currency as well. Since I put so much work into it, you are allowed to lie to me...it is the best gaming kiss, isn’t it? Is it? Is it?!

Thanks to:

  • Ganonmaster - For the models (Without you I would have already finished the last witcher DLC at least 3 times...)
  • Barbell - For the awesome grass!
  • Nightboy - For converting the Dear Esther-maps and particles
  • And of course thanks to Thomas Newman...what a great song!




on youtube the video is in private, I cant' the video :/