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Hi folks, 

I'm still here too. 😉

I allowed myself the announced time off and only worked for about two weeks in August. Both for this and for my RL job. Thank you very much for accepting this so graciously. 🤗

Nevertheless, these two weeks were...let's say...very insightful for me. I made good progress on the Dimitrescu project, but I am noticing more and more why the workflow is so much slower than I had actually calculated. 

And the answer can be narrowed down to the program I use: Source Filmmaker (SFM).

It's a great piece of software in itself, but it hasn't been updated for almost six years. So far, that hasn't been a problem for me, but with each project I add more details to the scenes (currently, I'm very into indented skin-movement, for example). But in SFM this is only possible in a roundabout way, which is why I spend more and more hours in Blender to rebuild models in such a way that I can implement the corresponding details in SFM. A time-consuming and of course very ineffective process.

While I have always been able to push my limits through SFM over the last few years, I now notice how the software is starting to hold me back.

That's why I'm now strongly considering to seriously look into animating in Blender after Dimitrescu and the Corruption spinoff to see if a change makes sense for me, e.g. because Blender's more fiddly handling is compensated by the avoidance of workarounds in SFM. But that is currently only a thought experiment.

For now, however, I need and want to finish these two projects. Lady D is approaching the final phase and freshly recovered I can go full throttle again. But until the final render starts, I'd better not say anything about an exact release. 

From now on there will be regular updates again.

Thank you for your patience and for continuing to be on board for this journey. ❤




🔥you should totally try blender we are all here for it !


Cieszę się, że wydobrzałeś i jesteś tu z powrotem! Tak trzymaj! Jesteśmy tu dla Ciebie.


I know from other creators making the blender switch, there is some downtime/slowdown in content creation while learning and getting used to blender. Honestly, I'm all for it if you want to try it! I'm sure I'm not the only one who would support you through the learning phase.


Glad your back can’t wait for the video


Good to see your back 😁🤩 Hope all is well. Looking forward to your next videos 😁 As for release date just let us know when your 99.99999% done 👍🏼😆


Best news ever!!! :)

Solid Fetish

Blender would let access many more possibilities than SFM. And the graphics of your animation would be far better. I hope you will one day switch to Blender.


I recently made the switch to Blender for similar reasons after having used 3d Studio Max for longer than I'd care to admit. It's taken a bit to get used to, of course, but I'm extremely happy I did for the simple fact that I'm no longer being constrained. One caveat that you may already be aware of, or may not pertain to you: Blender is a memory hog, so those big scenes can eat up RAM and lead to crashes real quick. Can't wait to see more. Good luck, and have fun!

Dr. Javi

I know a lot of animators are at least trying out Blender, so it's probably worth looking into. Maybe you could try a very small project (like an actual small project of 10-20 seconds) and see how it goes. I hope that you were able to recharge your battery. Welcome back.


Glad to see you back and your creative juices flowing. I agree with the other comments that many animators (especially the ones I have committed to supporting) are (at the least) experimenting with Blender. Plus, from what I see, Blender has more cross OS support than SFM, so it has that appeal. Plus, in my bias, I prefer a linux OS due to simply the, IMHO, better memory management that a Window OS, but I am a software developer, not a animator :-)


1. welcome back rested well and recharged 2. Nothing wrong with switching up your programs if one is better at A another is better at B as long as you are happy with your works Edit So long as the debauchery continues in long hard pounds


Wait, one main reason to switch to Blender, would be, to avoid all the SFM-crashes! 😅


Take the brake, you need it.


The Return Of The King! Can't wait to see your Lady Dimitrescu and Spin off movie soon

James English

Hope that you enjoyed your break! Your work as always is outstanding! Looking forward to seeing your next work of art! Top man!

Supreme Overlord Llama

Welcome back! Hope you had a nice time off! Testing out the blender, eh? Time to get a big beef computer ?


Have you ever looked into S2FM?

Arae Tokou

I can't even imagine how insanely hot your blender works would be...


A little. But besides the 64bit and better lighting it still would have many disadvantages, which currently bother me. 🤔


No worries. SFM Rendering needs that hardware too (Gently cacressing the 2080TI).


Proud of you! Welcome back 😄


fantastic job on the wallpaper.


I know you want to avoid spoilers for the corruption spin-off but could it be possible to show us a wip with some anal action, you know for us lovers of all things butt related ;).


Any idea on ETA for the release? Keep up the great work!!


Maybe after the Lady-D-Release, but I am not sure yet, if I want to spoil the other poses of that movie. 🤔


Nice WP... loving yenn fat ass shot

King D (Imprint)

Oh my! Just read the description and that's very interesting. As a fan myself and kind of wanting to dabble in animation it looks like learning blender first would save me a lot of time even though SFM seems like a better entry point. Your work is first rate and you know what works so I'm sure you'll excel in blender.


This wallpaper is this a different version of Celebration Of Midwinter?


Hey. I just wonder. In corruption of the lodge series, we do not see how Triss invited/ambushed other members of the Lodge. We can only see how Triss is with Philippa and Triss. Is there a plan of making a prequel, to show how Triss got to the other members of the lodge? Another thing, what about uncharted video? I know that probably you have already answered those questions somewhere, if yes I apologize for briging the same thing again.


Hi Mikomess, There will definitely be a prequel that tells how the corruption of Triss began. Whether the transformation of the rest of the Lodge will be shown, I can't say at the moment. Right now, I don't have an Uncharted project in the works. There was one once, but that was before my Futa addiction started. 😉 You can still see the remains of it in the Patreon header. I haven't changed it yet because it's not allowed to show naked flesh and I haven't found a suitable replacement for such a scene in the Corruption series. 😋


When u coming out with this new one? DesireSFM