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This request by one of you patron Neilinworld might be a late chapter of the "Forgotten Rituals"-Story-line. I really liked that suggestion. 


I might use the opportunity to give you a quick status report on "The Carnal Eve". I decided to add transistion-animations between the several sex-poses. This is a huge amount of work, since these animations are totally unique without any loop or other tricks to make animating easier. But in the end, I think, they will add a lot to the immersion/experience of the full movie. Here's a small example:

Another WIP of a transistion-animation is available here for download (12 seconds).



Tamika M Brown

New to animé love this storyline and can't wait for the next "Forbidden Rituals" episode.


Triss is unsatable ^^


No download for this clip?


Didn't plan it, but why not: <a href="https://my.mixtape.moe/csnusl.mp4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://my.mixtape.moe/csnusl.mp4</a>


This is the final scene of "Forgoten rituals"

Robert Arctor

I find the shiny blue skin very of-putting. Everything else here is great :p I think the transitions could be a huge plus to the longer animations. Let's see how they turn out, but I expect the quality of your work to make a giant leap forward with this. It will be worth the work, I'm sure!

Robert Arctor

I'm not sure I follow. I don't see anything grossly wrong with the lighting, and it's not the first time we see that alien-looking demon, I think they appeared in a bukkake scene previously. They look too far out of place for the gritty realism of the witcher fantasy setting, in my view, they look a bit too... anime?