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Here's another animated wallpaper for one of my Tier5-Patrons. Was fun to make. :-)


As you might have read earlier, I am really busy with my RL-job atm. Additional to that, focussing on longer animated movies I need to spend extra time to release stuff in a regular period, to reward you for all your kind support. Right now I fear, this doubled workload will stress me out in the long run. - That's why I asked my boss this week to shorten my workdays from 5 to 4 days. There is no final decision yet, but I am looking forward to reduce my RL-worktime end of this year. 

Those are the good news. But the other side of the coin is, I will lose a significant amount of my RL-wages. To absorb those losses, I decided to rework my rewards:

1. I'll add a reward for all patrons, who spend 10,-USD or more. Those will receive access to early WIPs of upcoming animations. Those WIPs will stay exclusive and will never go public, since they don't fit the quality level of the final releases, I want the people to see. But still I hope, they are a good reward for patrons, who want to have a closer look to my work and the possibility to send feedback in an early stage of a project...and hopefully could already enjoy it. ;-)

Three of those animations are already available. 

Of course this won't harm the early access to the final versions, all patrons receive, who spend 5,-USD or more. Those will still be available for you 1-2 weeks before official release.

2. I will drop the monthly animation-poll. I didn't found the time in the last month to do it anyway and it was additional pressure for me. Instead I really liked the idea with the suggestion-thread from last Thursday. I plan to post those from time to time and giving you patrons the possibility to enter suggestions for a short animation, I'll realize within the next days after the post. I won't post those suggestion-threads in a fix interval, instead when I am in the mood for it. --> Which should be kinda often, since they are a good recovery from working on big projects. :-)
This reward will be available for all patrons, who spend 1,-USD or more.

3. This one may hurt some of you. I decided to grant access to the 1080p-Versions of my videos to all patrons, who spend 2,-USD or more, instead of only 1,-USD. I know, most of my patrons spend 1,-USD and I am really sorry to make this step. But with taking the risk of lowering my RL-income I hope, you understand this decision and may some of you will support me with an additional bug. :-)
Of course this only counts for future releases. So you still have access to all the already released stuff with Tier1

That's all for now. I am looking back on an amazing year here on patreon and all the stuff you fellows made possible for me. I hope, you will follow me on this road for another year! 




I will stay with you, your creation one of the best on patreon. PS I have a question,- can we wait realization of the first big project, The Carnal Eve, in that month?


Shut up and take my money!


I am pretty sure, I will release it in week 42. This and the begin of next week I will prepare my vacation at my RL-workplace and then I am out of the country for one week. But I plan to release at least one short animation before my vacation to keep the waitingtime short. :-)

Robert Arctor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 04:54:32 Good luck, man :) Also, good use of the orbiting camera! I love the sound in this one, the voices are just so sexy <3
2017-09-25 20:34:30 Good luck, man :) Also, good use of the orbiting camera! I love the sound in this one, the voices are just so sexy <3

Good luck, man :) Also, good use of the orbiting camera! I love the sound in this one, the voices are just so sexy <3