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"You are too late, witcher."

                                   The Crone Sisters

This was an idea from patron Robert:

Here's the full wallpaper:


And of course as every month you can find the patreon-exclusive-archive for July here:

July archive 

And with those little bribary attempts I hope you will accept a little request of mine. Since it is summer and a lot of my colleagues in RL-work are on vacation and as well the G20-summit here in Germany is a LOT of additional work for me - I have barely free time this month. Mostly only the weekends. Because of that I would like to skip this month poll or another request-realization as last month and just want to focus on finishing two projects:

  • A short animation (about 50sec)  with the new Lara-Model. You may already saw a little preview on my tumblr. 
  • My witcher-shortmovie "The Wedding", which is already behind every time schedule.

I hope for your understanding. Esspecially after so many of you joined with a patronage or raised it in the last few days. I really love you guys! I never expected so much support and I really think, someday it may be possible to make a living with this hobby, I practised with so much passion the last month! <3



Robert Arctor

Oh I am SO bribed &lt;3 That wallpaper is great, and I love the card, too! I can't imagine the look on Geralt's face :p Stay safe, Hamburg sounds... messy at the moment. Other than that, enjoy the time off with your friends!


To have G20 in million people cities is the biggest mistake ever made...but not wanna get political here. Awesome wallpaper. Stay safe man and don't care about us :-)


Please animate this! Wow