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By now Ashley should've known that she can't escape by herself after all the times the cult punished her for it. Then again, after all those punishments, maybe this is exactly what she wants...

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Status Update

Timothy (who btw is responsible for the above idea & story) and I wrote a little script that was originally intended for an upcoming animation challenge. It tells parts of the story between Persistent Evil 1 and the upcoming sequel (No growing scene, sorry 😉).
Since I had a lot of fun with making that Triss-POV-Animation, I want to go for a full-POV video for this one - without a single cut. Of course this is quiet a complex thing, since the transistions have to be absolutely flawless, but I am eager to give it a try.

So this way it sadly is too complex for a 3-days-animation-challenge. That's why my plan changed to finish the whole thing in May, but to publish it in three parts like in a challenge and cut it together at the end.

I'm trying to finish the first part in April, but now I have to wait for the VAs to start recording first. I'll keep you updated on the progress. 🙂

The first WIP is already available here.




desire, if i have understood, you split in 3 : april, may and june. April = excella + jill. May and june is persistent evil 2 in two parts ??

Helen Slone

The cult concept is super hot.


More May = Excella & Jill (VAs still need to find free time slots) And PE2 = When it's done. ;-)