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Jorge F Robles

Giving me flashbacks to a Philosophy of Mind class I took. The locus and continuity of identity section was interesting, but we dived a little too deep on a fairly similar note as this comic. I slept like a baby since I was mildly suicidal at the time anyway (win-win) but some of my classmates were looking haggard


If I remember what Sean said “SLEEP IN FOR THE WEAK!!!” #Septicboy


She is cute. I wonder how she will kill me if I actually fall asleep

Naoto Kamigire-Terumi

Thank the Dark Lord Nyx (Th \e Greek madlass). I have insomnia & A tulpa of a knife.


This is comforting lol

Vulpes Sapiens

But, it IS possible to die from lack of sleep!! O_O


Indeed. IIRC, only missing the REM stage is what kills you; the other stages are optional, but you'll need to go through some of them to reach REM.


Don’t forget to add the other fact that all of your cells in your body get replaced over time (some parts like your spine take longer). So on top of your conscious being knocked out each night, your body isn’t exactly the same too. In fact a few years ago (and from now) ‘you’ are made up of a completely different set of cells that didn’t exist before. Welcome to science.

Spike Blade

Biiiitch, try and stop me from sleepin'! Wait........I'm most vulnerable when I'm asleep. Shit. Oh wait, hold on a minute........Looks at her body. Drools. How about I MAKE YOU SLEEP!!!!!!!! With me may I add 😈 Just kidding ya'll. Don't get angry now


*My phone at 11:40pm yesterday: you need to see this! I was expecting crawling dreams levels of horror. But Merry is looking out for us.


Why is always these types i fall for.