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I hope you're all doing well?

I wanted to take a bit of time to thank you for your support and interact with you a bit, so if you have any questions, feedback, or concerns you would like me to answer about the Patreon or my comics, please feel free to reply to this and I will be responding!

Thank you so much for helping me make comics! I love you all~!!



What ever happened to the Fox Girls Are Better comic?


I only have one n it is, why doesn't most of the lewd links not like to work on app? Is it a type of bug??


Same here! The links work fine online but in the app, they rarely are able to be clicked on


I just hope you don't overexhaust yourself, get enough sleep, nutrition, and overall feel yourself good. History shows most artists aren't very... Healthy. Just want one of my favourite people on the internet to take care of themself.

Cody Purdy

I love your art styles, do you have any tips for someone that wants to study your style?


Wondering what drove you to take a lovecraftian approach for Crawling Dreams


The artist has been busy with preparing for a convention but it's coming back soon!


As Chris said, it appears the Patreon app has a lot of issues regarding links. Please use the desktop version for now, or join the $10 tier Patreon Discord where you can scroll through all of the bonuses easier!


Thank you for your concern, BirdJesus! Since I'm only a writer and I work together with approximately 10 different artists, it's easier for me. I do spend a lot of my time writing, but it's not so much that it would be damaging to my health, so no worries!


Hi Cody! I'm not personally the artist of the comics, I'm the writer and the person managing this Patreon (The artists are the ones who get the money still) but I would say if you want to draw, just try to draw things you enjoy even if they're bad at first. The more you draw the better you get!


Been very fascinated with the aesthetic of Lovecraft's cosmic horror, which led me to incorporate it into multiple different stories!


Love your work and reading your comics, have you ever considered doing some like lewed pin-ups of Zone-Tan? Maybe 1 or 2 a month would me nice. You could even make a new tire that includes them.


Maybe! Currently we're focusing mostly on the lewd comic pages of Zone-Tan, but maybe pin-ups are more in demand? Could do a poll to see!


Happy to hear! Will keep supporting you to the best of my ability.


Ye that would be cool, I know I'd really appreciate them I'm sure others would too.


If i might make a suggestion? I'm on mobile too. Never try the links in the app, but on the email notifications I get they work perfectly.

Jon-Pierre Ward

I don't really have a question but I really just appreciate and respect everything you do. You do such an amazing job and deserve every dollar


I enjoy writing myself. I have a bad habit of giving up on my stories... well, getting distracted and interested in other ideas. I love your writing - both plots and dialogue. Any advice to give?


Try to write short stories first. Even if they aren't good, finish them before you move on to the next. Writing long stories can seem motivating at the start but it's not going to help you get better in the beginning. Short stories are necessary for every aspiring writer to learn things about how to build a good story. Longer stories come later! Mark Zuckerberg has a great quote. "Finished is better than perfect."


I don't have too much to say other than thanks for making so fun and enjoyable stories for us to read I feel like every dollar I give you counts :D

Cody Purdy

What story of yours is your favorite to wright? Snd which is your favorite story in general


I was actually trying to find a good point to ask this, since a friend and I recently discussed it again, but do you ever feel as if you may be overwhelmed/be juggling too many different comics? cause where some like winter moon (one of my personal favorites) get updated several times a week others go weeks to over a month with no updates (such as my succubus girlfriend and magickology) and sometimes even wind up getting dropped (like alice in the electric city seems to have been) or rebooted months later (like both everywhere & nowhere and magickology, I dont know if it is due to being overwhelmed or if it's due to the artists being busy with other work making them take longer to get the pages done but we were curious on the different aspects both reasoning wise and potentially if it's just a "too much on your plate" kind of deal, thank you for your time and thank you for making some of the few comics i actually look forward to seeing new episodes of


i love every of your comics thanks for your work :)


Thanks so much Scott! I try to use almost everything from the Patreon on new content which is why there's so much hahaha


Everywhere & Nowhere, Stalker x Stalker, and Winter Moon are among my favorite to write. My favorite characters to write are Florence and Risa from Winter Moon!


Sometimes I do end up giving myself a bit too many stories. Sometimes the artist of the story might not have fully time enough to finish the episodes in good time, and other times such as Magickology it's just hard for me to keep a good upload schedule and I sometimes end up having a hard time writing the episodes


I was just wondering what inspired you to start making stories as well as how did you manage to find time to continually create stories?

Gregory Yamasaki

How many comics are you doing at this point? I've been trying to get a friend of mine to read your comics (she started reading winter moon and I was trying to name/count all of them and I ended loosing count XD)


When I was little I had many different dreams. I got pretty sad when I realized I could only ever really achieve one, maybe two of them, if I worked hard. But I was very bad at school, so even that would be impossible for me. So I decided I wanted to write novels, because in stories you could live pretty much any life you wanted, as any person you wanted, so I could in a way experience all of my dreams no matter how crazy. But then I realized nobody wanted to read my novels, and the few that did treated it as more of a favor to me than something they genuinely enjoyed. So eventually I realized I wanted to make comics, because they're fun to read and easier to write!


Winter Moon, Everywhere & Nowhere, Internet Explorer, Stalker x Stalker, My Succubus Girlfriend, Clinic of Horrors, Magickology, Crawling Dreams, Zone-Tan Adventures, and I think that's it

Thee Wendigo

Amazing comics... You tell a great story while keeping the humor, something a lot of authors are missing.

Kevin Dodgion

You appear to have many irons in the fire and several artists have grown weary with just one and ceased updating. What keeps you motivated to keep updating all your works? Also love the work! keep being awesome.


Love your comics. Do you have any plans for a merch shop?


You want feedback, here it is, just keep up the good work with all the stories and everything you do


I cant wait to read more of your web toons I understand that with your hand in so many plans and other web toons I will patiently wait to read more of all your toons


You can buy some merch like these: <a href="https://cuddlyoctopus.com/product/ie-chrome-chan-poster/?sfw=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cuddlyoctopus.com/product/ie-chrome-chan-poster/?sfw=1</a> <a href="https://cuddlyoctopus.com/product/nyarla/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cuddlyoctopus.com/product/nyarla/</a>


Can you add where we can read all of the stories somewhere on your overview page? Since not all of them are not on webtoons, or I don't think they are anyway


I love all of the comics you make and hope you keep on making more.


Out of all your comic characters, who would be your favourite/ most beloved, and why?


By chance would you be willing to let us read your original stories? Or at least think of remaking them?


I mean it's the thought that counts. Plus if we don't like it, so what right? That's still a potential story that can be revised and improved upon.


Why tits so big


I joined your patreon at the end of last year and I have enjoyed every post you’ve made and the artwork is amazing! What kind of equipment and programs do you use to make your stuff? I’m thinking of drawing somethings


How is make baby ?


I understand that you're very busy but I was really hoping to see a bit more of my succubus girlfriend. It's the reason I started following you and my favorite thing so far. Beyond that keep up the good work!


I might make a list or something but it's a bit hard to update people since I make so many and I don't wanna spam the patreon feed and make people unsubscribe


I'm not the artist just the writer/producer/manager of this Patreon. (The money goes to the artists). But I'd say clip studio paint is the best!


Trying my best to make Succubus Girlfriend work but it's a bit hard since the artist has two separate series


No i like it im just wondering about your motive for world domination


You're the reason why I moved join Webtoon, after hearing Winter Moon was moving, I went cause you're one of the few webcomic writers that stuck around, I love your stories, even though some didn't get a continuation, they're awesome.


Yo, Merry! Been a fan since I discovered and reading Crawling Dreams, keep up the fantastic work! Also, a couple of questions. 1. Why does Nyarla look nearly identical to the Hex Manic from Pokemon? 2. Does people (like me) making theories regarding Nyarla is Nyarlaphotep, Nyarla and The Director was the same person, etc, does any of those bothers you as an author or not at all?

Christopher Cansler

I started reading Crawling Dreams a few months ago, and I'm loving all of your work! It's some of my favorite stuff on the internet right now, and I'm absolutely in love with Nyarla :3. I look forward to seeing your future work, and I'm hoping I can afford to buy one of your Nyarla dakimakuras soon XD!


Some people also says Nyarla looks identical to the girl from Netoge no Yome. In reality, it's just a popular design type. There are early versions of this character all the way back in 2015. No similarities were intentional. And no people making theories is always fun to read!


Will you ever be posting futa i know your busy and all but if you could post that category I'd greatly appreciate it but no pressure or anything.


Hey Merry. Was wandering what is happening with Chloe in Japan. Maybe I missed an update as I only recently became a patron but there’s only been 1 episode and 1 fucking stunning lewd set. What with all the other ongoing series I understand why it would be difficult to keep them all going, but are there plans for more episodes (and lewds)?