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 Netscape Navigator was one of the earliest web browsers to be widely available to the general public. After the 1990's, its use had disappeared completely. 



Tin Bromide

Netscape as a brand was acquired by AOL. Under AOL's ownership, Netscape stood up the Mozilla organization to manage the open-sourced netscape engine (which eventually became firefox). Netscape 6 was a rebranded Mozilla browser and Netscape 7 was based off of Mozilla 1.0.1. If anything, Netscape Chan is 3 generations back, with Mozilla and Firebird in between Firefox. Also, Mozilla's mascot was a red Dinosaur. I like the idea of a bunch of cutesy browser girls running around and a 20m tall carnosaur stomps into frame.


You could call her Firefox's mom and then see the hijinks that ensues


Rest in peace Netscape hope to see her in the comics with internet explorer


I remember this.

Dark D. Moon

Why have I not heard of this?!

Gerald Sears

Are we going to see Mosaic-chan, Gopher-Chan, or perhaps even w3m or lynx?