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Aww... poor girl.. :o


This is now convinced me to use Internet Explorer

Terrus Dawn

Well, at least they gave her a chance...


This makes me feel bad for IE...

Nordin The Lich

How dare you give her hope just to take it away?


I'm sorry, but what is the point to this comic? Every single page so far has been the exact same thing: IE and Bing try to be nice and people treat them like crap in return. Is there gonna be anything else to this comic, or is this all it's gonna be? I don't want to offend or anything, I really enjoy some of your work, but this particular one just feels rather pointless and one note.


She's never frozen up on me


Oddly enough she gets use from military. She's the only browser we have for our machines and the one that most mil sites work with.

Christopher Cansler

I love these because of how cute they are, but the story crushes my soul ;______;