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Well, not a goodbye. You guys know this before anyone on Webtoon does, but we're already planning Season 2 with a new illustrator. It's just a matter of how big we're gonna make it, and if we can get the budget we want.

Here's a secret. My Succubus Girlfriend has been completed since late February of 2018. I've been slowly releasing episodes on a weekly basis, and stretching it out as long as I can.

My Succubus Girlfriend is the most popular DISCOVER WEBTOON, possibly of all time, considering the platform's immense growth. Since its October 2nd release date, it has amassed more than 320,000 subscribers, and averages 2.4 million views per month.

I don't think you can find anyone who would say that this webcomic was not a success, especially for what is at its heart just 8 weekly panels of romantic comedy and silly fanservice.

With that being said, it really wasn't planned to be this big a deal. Most people don't know this, but My Succubus Girlfriend and Crawling Dreams, two of my biggest and most financially successful stories ever, were made during a very dark moment in my career when a few individuals had decided to do their best to destroy my life.

There's a lot to this story, and I only really told the full series of events once, out of necessity, and I don't feel comfortable going into detail this time.

I was cleared, and the people who were responsible for these actions were exposed and have since largely left me alone. The person who was primarily responsible was shown to have been faking cancer for years, and stolen what is now believed to have been $50,000 in donations from GoFundMe. He was angry at me for not believing that he had cancer. Thanks to Nick Monroe, Richard Lewis, and Mister Metokur, as well as the efforts of many people on Twitter, Kiwifarms, and ED, he was exposed and is now facing charges on fraud in America.

Unfortunately, even after I was cleared, some damage had already been done.

The Crawling City was cancelled, and another big project I had in the works had been cancelled as well.

This unnamed project was meant to have been a huge shounen battle manga that was supposed to have been drawn by Maki, the artist of Succubus Girlfriend.

Luckily, my most popular webcomic Winter Moon was only gaining in popularity, and where some had distanced themselves from me, the artist of Winter Moon, Mayui, as well as the management of Webtoon, stood by me and didn't distance themselves even slightly. In fact, Webtoon greenlighted a second series written by me during these times. Because of their support, I will always be loyal to LINE Webtoon and the people who work there.

ZONE stood by me as well, trusting me to continue creating the Zone-Tan Adventures webcomic, which kept my Patreon going strong.

While I was doing better than I had ever done before, I still lost The Crawling City and my unnamed project, I chose to create a momentum for myself during October of 2017.

I launched My Succubus Girlfriend, and started production on Crawling Dreams. I learnt from mistakes I had made in the past with The Crawling City, and setup both comics with far larger budgets.

Crawling Dreams became a success from the moment it began. While many preferred the feel of the original comic, Crawling Dreams quickly passed The Crawling City in subscribers and earnings.

My Succubus Girlfriend had a slower crawl, but during the early months of 2018, it stood second only to Winter Moon which was the second largest Fantasy webtoon. 

Unfortunately there were issues regarding Succubus Girlfriend as well. Maki was only set to work on the series until the end of February, and due to his inability to speak English, he wasn't able to read any of the positive comments, understand any of the YouTube video's about it, or just grasp it.

Sure, I could tell him the comic has over 300,000 subscribers. But what's that to him? It's a number on a screen from an audience that he cannot possibly interact with, beyond brief translated messages.

The comic had a run on the Japanese webcomic sites, but sadly the competition is far tougher over there, and was never really able to gain the same momentum that it did on Webtoon in America.

With that being said, Maki is off to try to create his own featured webcomic for a mobile app in Japan.

In some ways, I feel like I failed him. He put his publishing plans on hold to create an action series akin to Boku no Hero Academia, but ended up doing a series more like To Love Ru.

He did his best nonetheless, but due to failed merchandising plans, and a lack of Patreon bonuses, we never really earned a lot from the webcomic despite its immense popularity.

My Succubus Girlfriend will continue, although it will not be with Maki. He will always have his mark on what ended up becoming a surprisingly successful series. I was never really able to become friends with him, and we communicated mainly through translators, which made the partnership difficult.

There is a last thing I would like to hope you could give me your help with. Go thank Maki for his work on Succubus Girlfriend. He did a great job.



This stuff was almost a year ago, and I have since then gained 3x the popularity, and have a much stronger standing, in great part thanks to you guys support!



You are Dope


I haven't given it a shot yet (I love the Crawling series, and discovered Zone today) but I'd like to thank him none the less. Since he doesn't speak English, what' Japanese for 'Thank You for'?


I seriously admire and look up to you merry, you’ve been through so much and even though you were faced with horrible people that tried to take everything you stoood your ground. Glad I made the right choice to support you and all your other loyal fans as well

Terrus Dawn

Every single one of your series has had me binge reading through it, For example, I started Winter Moon about 2 hours ago and I've just finished reading the entire thing and am eagerly awaiting season two. I wish you and your artists all the best, you do amazing work!

J. "Night Spark" M.

You have had quite the road to get to where you are now and since before the incident I have followed you and will continue to follow with all the support I can give


After all the stuff I have seen this past week that you have I would like to say just one thing... THANKS I enjoy the story's and want you to continue to do this your art is amazing and am excited to see what's next with your stuff.

Gregory Yamasaki

We all believe in you, hell we will be willing to help you get over Mount Everest just for more lewd arts XD, but just know that at least me and few hundred, maybe thousands, of people are willing to help you in any way we can


I agree with him. The lewd thing was I hope a joke ((I don't mind it thow the art is amazing on that to))


I love all your comics and wish you best luck in the future


Another hurdle has been jumped. Some idiots nowadays will do anything for money, and as a cancer patient, myself, it brings me great joy to see the bastard got his just deserts. Keep truckin on, and we'll support you! No lewds required (but appreciated lol).


Well, I just upgraded from the $5 to $10, hopefully that helps a bit.


I've been reading Succubus Girlfirend on Webtoon and wanted to help u keep going. Probably going to read all your material in one night now xD. It's all fantastic. You got my $10. : )


I’m top tier because I NEED MORE


I’m so glad you have managed to stay strong despite your hardships. Just know you have a faithful reader and supporter in me!