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My new comic Readers Quest will be out soon. You'll get a first taste of the action as always. I'm still deciding whether to put the comic on Tapastic or Webtoon.

Recently I took away a guys mod privileges on my server, and in return, he's been DMing all my followers on Twitter saying I'm a pedophile (his logic for this is that in Magickology the little sister looks like a loli).

Please don't believe what he says without proof.


Kyle Major

well if he is gong to be petty thats his jerk problem. I can't wait to see the new comic as long as you post it here i'll follow it on either they are both good sites and have their own draws.


Did you break a mirror? Your having the worst luck


It's all stemming from the samurai buyer stuff. He's just trying to remove what I love the most in the world. Making comics.

Kyle Major

well don't let them :( too many jerks in the world trying to take away good things


Maybe so but we don't want you to have to deal with so much crap too


In recent days I've learnt some very important lessons about trust on the internet and how yo interact with people as a public figure.