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Super happy with how this one turned out because if you count the poster being more visible in panel 3, there's like one different gag per panel.

Vitel Toné might be too specific of a christmas food but I'm homesick and this is me working through it by drawing and you're gonna have to deal with it. For those too lazy to google it, it's cold veal slices served with a sauce made with blended tuna and egg yolks, we usually have it for the holidays.

Just in case people ask, I don't really set this comic anywhere in particular and the characters have no set nationalities, I'm just drawing from my experiences. Kind of like how when Americans make a "not set anywhere in particular" setting it's still full of American cultural signifiers because that's what's the default to this person.

I figured I'd throw in the Drive poster just to make the background a little more lived in, as previously established Miles has basic bitch filmbro taste in movies (not knocking on Drive though it's a good movie). And of course Ryan Gosling is a goose in this setting.




Ryan Goosling