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Sup everyone. Here's a double length chapter to make up for the wait.  

We are rapidly approaching the final part of the story leading to the true end. The last stretch will be about the events leading to the Good End. All in all, I expect that wrapping up The Fall will take another year, not counting omakes.

What I'll make after it's done, I'm not quite sure yet, but I was thinking maybe a Corruption Quest in the Fate universe. We'll see.

In the meantime, enjoy this chapter. 

PS: I will soon be putting up a Master post of all the chapters of The Fall, completely proofread, and later one for Gamer Night as well.



Okay, so I think I can possibly see a way for a Good End to happen now, with the current multiple Rin's backfiring and allowing Shirou to effectively save her. Saber's basically unfixable unless there's still command seals to use. Also, I'll assume Gerard is working with Sakura so she can NTR Shirou for herself.


I was thinking something similar. Also if Sakura is involved, I assume true end is Sakura taking Shirou for herself and bad is Gerald taking all three of them

Parker Maisterra

I'm curious on what the "true" end is. I mean we've already seen the bad end and we're going to get a good end so wouldn't that make sense?


kinda bummed out we have gone back to pre-slutty Rin but I assume its gonna be a quick phase. honestly I'm kinda curious as to what kind of omakes we are gonna get lots of potential there also cant wait for when Rin and Saber finally engage in sexual acts together.


I will be sad that there will be no more Saber lewds. Hope she at least gets another round with that pub guy so they can do an encore or two.