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Here it is. 

The thing about writing, is that you can't just do it. It has to come spontaneously. I've obsessed so much over this chapter that it ended up being forced and the result is not something I'm happy with. Hence the "version 1" next in this post title. 

Hopefully, with the necessity of having to publish it out of the way I'll feel less pressured and thus more inclined to write it better. For the time being, consider this just one of the many ways things could have played out following Gerard's answer to Rin's questions.

I hope you like it better than I do



Not a fan of Bad Ends personally, especially ones like this given the betrayal and fate of Shirou. But at least this marks the point where you once again can focus on giving us the next update for Gamer Night. I particularly look forward to continuing from where the last chapter of that left us off, as do many others I'm sure. Hope to see it soon.


If they stress you so much maybe the BADENDS should be left as bonus chapters things to be uploaded separate from the 2 monthly chapters as a surprise bonus chapter when completed instead of trying to make it one of the 2 chapters. That being said have never been a big fan of the bimbo concept in general seems like a waste of the development that you gave Rin.


Icha, from myself all I can say is sorry. Intellectually you can understand the struggle of another person, but it's harder to comprehend in reality. Having read the chapter, I can now say I understand what you mean. Unlike your other "forced" chapters, where the quality and content barely dropped. This was noticibly lacking in quality, and you can clearly see how forced it was in the writing. So I apologize for being part of the crowd who screamed more, faster! I can't promise I won't bug you if it passes scheduled updates with nothing, but I will try to be more aware of how hard this is. I hope the lack of pressure allows you to write something to YOUR standards, and wish you well. Looking forward to Gamer.

Eternity Smut

Damn. That was rough. Though I'm surprised nobody decided to turn Shirou into a sword wand. Caster did it ;p


Although it's still an entertaining bad end for me, the difference in quality of this piece compared to your normal unforced writing is clear. My opinion is that so long as you put a disclaimer like you did for this one that you don't feel happy with the end result and you just wanted to get it out, that's fine with me. I would also be fine with you posting a status update that a planned chapter isn't coming together and then wait in hope for it to click for you.


This is something I now realize I should've already written, given the author's note within this post: IchIchaSennin, I realize that you must be under enormous pressure to not let down your patrons/fans. But know that while we may pester you for when your next update will come, it is something that we do because we genuinely enjoy that which you write. That being the case, the more mature and patient among us understand that quality cannot be rushed, and if for whatever reason you're just not feeling the inspiration for whatever story happens to be on your schedule at the moment, then that's simply how it is. When all is said and done, I'm certain that while updates may be late from time to time or perhaps even skipped over completely, we would rather read something that you can honestly tell yourself that you're proud to have written, rather than make you feel like you have to vomit chapters that you're just not feeling up to as if you're some machine. Keep being awesome.

Eternity Smut

Try taking a break from this story for a bit and see if it helps. No point in trying to push through a writers block. Try to read some stories with nympho protags, and see if it gives you some inspirations. Sumeragi Ryouko no Bitch na 1 nichi is a VN about a function nypho teacher protagonist. It might give you some idea. Or try some relaxing eroge RPG like bunny black series.


I'm just curious to see Saber's bad end. Take you time. I enjoy reading your work.


He could use the omake writing contest as a way to take a break while still providing content for its fans if he needs to.

Acolyte Istheman

Don't force yourself writing if you don't feel like it. Take a break and write to your other fics smut or not. Or simply just read or play some VN and other eroge.


I just became a patron and im loving the expanded range of content. Glad i became a patron for you! A small ask: could you put all The Fall Chapters which haven't been posted on the Patreon? The reason being i would like to download all of them as PDF Files, and only gaving chapter 14 to present is bugging me. But nonetheless, enjoying the work so far . Keep up the good work!