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I dunno how much Red Bull I've been drinking. I just know that my eyes are bloodshot like I'd been doing math (not a typo) all day long.

In any event, here's the promised update. It's as raw as it comes, since my beta hasn't seen a word of it yet. I'm sending it to him right now and they change the link once it's done (I'll put an edit down below to notify you as well). If you can't wait until then, go ahead and read it.

Chapter 34 

Chapter 35 

 I'm hitting the sack. 



Hm... the only guess I can make about the mystery person who's in the wrong body is that it might be Shuten, somehow with her mind in Mikado's body (maybe due to stealing that cup?). Mikado certainly wouldn't react so calmly, Raikou is bigger than she is, and Ibaraki would probably throw a fit about being in the wrong body. I'm curious about what's going on with Onigashima, though. A human couldn't survive the deeper levels of the Reverse Side of the World, but there wouldn't be Oni and a freaking mountain-length oceanic Phantasmal Beast close to the "reality". I'm guessing that it's status as an island of myth gives it some sort of special property... if only because that sounds like a very Nasu-like thing to happen.

David Pham

Shirou with that curse around all those women huh, geez I wonder what can go wrong haha.


Happy Thanksgiving, btw.