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A bit late, I know, but here it is.

GeshKAW is really surpassing himself with each subsequent piece of art.

Make sure to drop by his Tumblr or his Patreon to show your appreciation.

Version 1 

Version 2 



Man, I just want to see/read a frightened Saber getting destroyed by a massive cock like the one to the right.


Third! I'm also really looking forward to the next chapter of The Fall which is supposed to come out sometime today (hopefully soon:) been eager to see what happens next. I wonder will this chapter focus on Rin or will it focus on Saber:)


Part of me wants more saber but another part wants to see rins time in the mansion. Please post the update soon icha! I want to read before I go to bed!


Thanks. Icha's been holding out on us, giving us just a little example of some vaginal with Saber than scene skipping and implying she got roughed up. Our NTR fetishes are NOT SATISFIED! Don't take it like a complaint towards the overall story, Icha, but we needs our Saber smashing scenes.


Agreed his writing is great but his knack for cutting away when things are about to get good is a tad bit annoying especially since he always hints that Rin/Saber got wrecked.


I will always love what you give us, but I really hope we will get some heavy chapters soon with saber (then rin), you hint that they get wrecked but we never see it, I hope we will soon! Good luck!