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Alright, Chapter 19 is ready as promised.

However there is a situation. The chapter is a 100% complete, but recently I've acquired the support of a fellow author who's really hot for NTR and has been helping me flesh out the chapters, making them incredibly better.

He's been pretty buys IRL this past month so he doesn't have time till tomorrow to go through what I wrote.

I'm making the chapter available to anyone who messages me because I want to show that I'm not making excuses, but I'd recommend you'd wait for the Deluxe Version for a much better experience. 

I'm not posting it right here because I know you wouldn't be able to wait until the revised version is done before downloading it and then the truly finished work would be ruined to you.

This way you have to make an active effort to get it (and wait for me to respond).

I'm sorry for making you jump through the hoops for this.



Curious question and I'm not asking for spoilers, but where exactly would you contemplate this story going once Saber has fallen beyond the point of no return? If she becomes as bad (or good) as Rin, I personally can't see the story continuing much further since the whole driving force of the plot (the corruption of Rin and Saber) would have been reached. I had thought of this numerous times today and I couldn't help but think of a real fitting 'bad' end. See, Rin's been filmed a bit during her public indescretions and I'm sure she'd probably do something XXX in public for the thrills, and with this being when things like youtube, myspace, pornhub, etc. become widely popular and less censored, the chances of someone from back home or anywhere seeing one of her acts will be inevitable. That saying, I've not heard anything about Sakura. My idea was that if somehow poor, sweet Sakura- still distraught but resigned about Shirou picking her sister- someone who had gotten everything from their father's love and favoritism to the only person she could actually love/like in her life while she got raped by Shinji and worms all her childhood- over her caught wind of Rin's acts and- not knowing of Shirou's current status- decides to pay her and Saber and Shirou a visit out of nowhere. Of course, Rin might receive word at the clocktower from Waver or maybe even Saber at their home that Sakura is back and think that she/they might try corrupting Sakura as well, only once Sakura learns of Shirou's flight for survival, she realizes how truly depraved Rin and Saber have become and decides to....probably snap and go Dark Sakura on them, barely keeping them and the dude alive, or kill him and/or terrorize the Clock Tower. My idea then split, one being it would end there (yeah, not much effort in that, but really, I haven't followed that line through all the way) or the commotion she causes in her rage reveals magecraft though she obviously doesn't care. Afterall all that she suffered from it, if the weaker it gets with the more who know of it, she honestly wouldn't care in her deranged state. In fact, she'd be causing the degredation of the Magus Assocation's (especially Rin's) mysteries and that's honestly a plus in her book. Now, this route splits into three: she's hunted down and killed, Shirou arrives and puts her down and completely disassociating with Rin and Saber (thus, the love they share becomes one sided and Rin can no longer find perverse pleasure in cheating on him and yet she still stays bound to that guy (his name escapes me) if he's even still alive, or Sakura somehow convinces him to forsake Rin and Saber and join her, or there's even another different route where she's corrupted Saber into Saber Alter as a fitting punishment for the adultery and uses her to wreak havoc on the Magus Assocation and Rin, etc. Like I said, this story has been in my mind ALOT and my imagination goes wild. I know much of this is really crazy but I can't say it'd be boring. Sorry for the massive post but it just goes to show how much I'm into your story.

Paul Adams

I don't mind reading the chapter as is.


I would also like some trial readings of the chapter.

Eternity Smut

No problem with the theory idea. But magecraft doesn't work that way bro. The UN is basically informed about magecraft, the US military has a magus division. Telling people about magecraft doesn't make it 'weaker.' It's more complicated than that. FGO2 mages causing the end of the world again and bringing back the age of the gods. I get the feeling that Rin would become a 'shared wife' with one 'legal' husband but multiple male partners that's she emotionally attached. Also I didn't realize how common taking sex vids has becomes. Maybe Rin fucks a couple of beach/bar/randomtiredlookingofficeworker/rich/homeless/shotas chads and one of them takes a video scene? Who knows. As for the continuation. Probably random one shots or commission?


Trial reads?

Eternity Smut

@Loves2Spooge Kinda like this? <a href="https://imgur.com/a/XbQzw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/XbQzw</a>


When will the delux version be ready? And will these recent developments affect the next set of release dates for the story at the end of the month?


you know I find the most amusing about The Fall being released at the end of each month? the simple fact that immediately after an episode of "today menu for the emiya family " is released at the beginning of the month.


Hahahaha! Yeah your right that is pretty funny in a twisted sort of way. Also read chapter 19 Icha I thought it was pretty good I especially loved how you showed distortion in Saber's mind with being influenced. If original was already that good I look forward to deluxe version when it comes out:)


Any idea when the deluxe version will release?

Jack Uldron

I would like chapter 19 please! Lol


Where is ch 18?