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And here we are with the promised update. 

Chapter 14 is also ready to be uploaded, but publishing it right away would detract from the cliffhanger at the end of this chapter. So, I decided to let you guys suffer a few days for my own entertainment.

I'll see you with Chapter 14 this Saturday.




You monster.


You can't do that! Can he do that?


How dare you.


I say nay, you can not do that to us, do you have any idea how rare shirou x taiga is! And you make us wait!!! YOU MONSTER! :P


I don't know wether you are keeping me in suspense or telling me it's not happening, and I'm okay with that, and I am also not okay with that.



Shirou Emiya

I cant believe you! Making us wait for your masterpiece is practically damnation!


Whistle, smooth as fuck my friend. A perfect way to fail a Quest. Which later make foundation for a good redemption ! Also I love the way Shirou stood up to protect his relationship and Saeko. Would cha look at that ! The kid is manly as fuck !


You magnificent bastard. I hope all of the outrage, impatience and salt pouring out from people like me warms your twisted, glorious heart.

Shirou Emiya

When are you going to post chapter 14? I thought it was getting posted today.


Slime Girl? Is this Slime Girl from any particular game, or from a certain Encyclopedia?

Khaos BloodWing

With the whole ‘Stores reinforced weapons in his inventory’ concept, if you find a way to have him create his own limited version of the Gate of Babylon, a good name would be ‘Limited Blade Works’, it if you want to go humorous, ‘Unlimited Blade Works (False)’, so if he faces Gilgamesh, he would be like ‘this is my Unlimited Blade Works (False)!’ ‘Scoff, you’re a complete fake, Faker!’, ‘Hm? No, my Reality Marble is called Unlimited Blade Works.’ Shirou; 🤨Gil; 😐


Hint: The Inventory opens on UBW. That's where things go when he puts them away. The reason why things don't lose their empowerment is because UBW doesn't reject Shirou's Magecraft like Gaia does, ans stuff rots slower because the biosphere of UBW doesn't have bacteria to decompose organic material.