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Hey guys,

How was your weekend? Hope it was wonderful. :)

A little update about my progress for this month build:

New Combat system.

1. Heidi will have Psychic power to fight in the warp. Her power is to be able to influence opponent's mind so it will follow her orders.

For examples :

- The enemy will remove her  clothing or armor so here we have a more lewd combat options . After that, they will receive full damage from Heidi's attacks. As armor will reduce the damage taken.

- Distract the enemy by ordering them to do lewd acts such as touching their self during the battle, so Heidi can hit them easily. (Less chance for missed attacks)

Note: Heidi's psychic power doesn't work against all enemies. Like the Tau Drone which will not do lewd things (of course) although Heidi has given them order to do so.

2. Heidi can also distract the enemy by "flashing" so that she can run away from the battle.

Note : This action won’t always work. If it fails, then the enemy can hit Heidi and the damage received will be doubled because her armor has been removed.

3. NEW UI Combat : Actions in combat will be selected from the image button list instead of the text list.

4. New animations for when Heidi does an "attack" and when Heidi is hit by an enemy.

Arbites Office in headquarters (New Room)

As a loyalist, Heidi will be given 2 types of quests :

1. Combat quest. Heidi will be asked to help maintain security and law enforcement at Hive Planet by fighting to defeat chaos sister and daemonette in warp.

If successful, Heidi will get bonus money for her victory.

2. Because as you know, too many actions fall into the gray area. So, Heidi will assist the judge to determine whether the defendant's actions fall into the Heretic category or not. Heidi will be given money after finishing this work.

Rewrite the dialogues between Heidi and the Inquisitor in her office at the beginning of the game.

I've received a lot of criticism that the story setting in this game is weak.  So I'm going to rewrite the dialogue, in which I'll explain :

1. Cordelia came to Hive Planet because she was suspicious about the governor. The governor refuses to pay additional taxes or increase the number of soldiers to be handed over to the empire, So the imperium asked her to check about what's going on there.

2. The duties of an acolyte and a little introduction about what's considered heresy for imperium.

3. The consequences of heresy


What I've done last week :

Coding Work

  • For the new combat system, the code is 100% complete
  • Bugs fixing (Eliminate all duplicate files)
  • Make the old save file works (new combat is using lots of new strings and variables we try to make sure this new system still works with the save game from previous versions).


  • Complete the whole story frame of this game. This makes it easier for me to create a neat branching story.

And finally I decided to immediately form a Team to help me finish developing this game. As it's getting more complex, the need for additional workers to complete this game is increasingly urgent, it's no longer possible for me to do everything alone.

What I need for now are :

1. A coder who can help me with regular bug fixing.

2. An English to Russian/Japanese translator.

3. Background artist and animator

4. A good Story writer (Preference will be given to those who have already completed their own Visual novel game project)





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