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Hi everyone! 

This month we will add a quest log system in the game. You can activate the quest log screen with a button on the main menu. On that screen, there will be a list of active and completed quests along with descriptions of the quest and  minor hints about what to do next. 

Quests that are not discovered yet will not be shown in the list. 

I hope this feature will help players to know what to do next, and to see their current progress in the game so far. 

Note:  For this feature to work properly, You will need to start the game from the beginning. because older save games will not register the early quest in the game memory yet. But the quest menu itself will still work with older savegame in case you want to try to copy and use the savefiles from the older builds in the usual manner like in this screenshot.

As an additional information, in order to use older save files you need to copy the file into the same save game folder in the new build because each new build will have its own savegame folder which will be empty by default in every new update.




GW literally killing the fandom with its backwards ass anti fans IP laws isn’t going to ruin this game is it


Ofc not, because [clears throat] this game is not based on their universe and original characters.


Let’s hope they don’t loose their minds and start C&Ding anything and everything that looks like it may be from their IP


Yep! Let’s hope not, or I’ll be unemployed 🥺 Been working so hard (day and night) to make this game..


Just lie and say your doing it freely and we are just donating


So Are the quest going to be in Latin? I don’t even know what my quest is now I’m so lost


The text in this example is just a placeholder/temporary text. Actual one is going to be in english