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Hello everyone,

This month (May) is going to be a busy month for me in this project, There will be a lot of content that I am planning to update at the end of this month, so allow me to elaborate the plan.

The first week (Making the polished build)

1. We are still going to make some art polish for the 0.26b build  facial expressions for existing NPCs which are Priestess Miria, Cardinal Vilaris and Agnicia (The Governor's Daughter) I am also going to make a nude portrait for Priestess Miria.

2. Also there will be additional dialogue polish for Roxxi romance story, The chat options will be expanded throughout the mainstory progression up to the point where the Cardinal shows up in the game.

3. Like the month before, I’m still going to make more NSFW art animations for the Private room scenes, we are looking at around 2 or 3 animations that I am going to add.

4. A background illustration for the Cardinal's office.

5. I'am going to make the Church threesome scene to be repeatable (The game stops at the conclusion of the scene on version 0.26b unpolished version)

6. Hotfix for known issues and bugs of version 0.26b

7. Wakthrough for version 0.26b

8. Spoiler post for end of the month content (version 0.27 for $10 patrons and up)

These contents will be available in the polish build that I will post next weekend for $5 patrons and up.

Second week and third week (Main update content of version 0.27)

1. I will start creating the content for this month's main update which will be related to the Felinid abhuman female and  the opening of several new "naughty" areas which probab;ly are going to be sex shops and brothels.  There will be spoilers about this content later for $10 patrons and up.

2. Making This month's polling to decide june content update (for $10 patrons and up)

3. I will make a playable demo for the PLATFORMER minigame spin-off , I know that I promised this last month, but due to unexpected family Issue, I could not complete it on April ( My father suffered a stroke which left him slightly paralyzed. Me and my wife have been focusing on taking care of him especially during the first week of his treatment. But all is looking well now and the doctors are quite optimistic on his recovery.)

4. I’m going to make another character card art for the importart NPCs (this time it's going to be one of the  FEMALE NPC of the game). These cards will have original style of Adeptus Celeng which you can see the samples from https://www.artstation.com/celeng234 These cards will be collectible and can be viewed inside the game build via option button in main-menu sections. I will post the high res and full size potrait of this character for our noble sponsor tiers.

Well, these are the plans and they are still subject to last moment change.

Anyway for new patrons, I've put the links below. Don't forget to check that out if you are in the appropriate tier.

Free Public Build V 0.26 HERE 

NSFW Patron's Build V 0.26b HERE 

NSFW unlimited money build of V 0.26b HERE 



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